health something wrong?

was just wondering if there is something wrong with my plant, its a thai sun

the plant leaves look the same, they are green with like whitish green stripes almost like racing stripes on a car lol..
most the pods are a light greenish yellow color but then a bunch of them are like this where they have green and whitish green stripes like the leaves, the plant has always been healthy and growing and there is like 50 peppers on it, just wondering if its normal or maybe its been crossed or something, anything will help thanks
edit: the pod hasnt ripened yet i just plucked one off to take a good pick and better look
It could be a fish pepper hybrid. Fish pepper leaves look exactly like that, as well as the pods except they're larger.

Vegas_Chili said:
It could be a fish pepper hybrid. Fish pepper leaves look exactly like that, as well as the pods except they're larger.

i think you might be right, my plant looks a lot like a fish pepper / thai sun.. oh well the plant looks good and only the thai sun came out like that the rest didnt, i think ill bonchi it to keep it