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health Something wrong with my new growth

The new growth on some of my plants has been exhibiting a disturbing attitude. They have yellow spots... they seem a bit shriveled. Looking at other threads I checked for aphids, mites and other little critters but found none. Could I be overwatering or overfeeding? Here is a sample picture:

It looks like they might have gotten a whif of some weed killer. Check around the neighborhood and see if someone has been spraying weeds.

If weed killer is your problem your plants should recover in a couple of weeks.

I don't think it is weed killers, but I will check. It has been raining a lot over here so overwatering seems like a probable cause for this. Thank you for your comments and if anyone else has some input it is greatly appreciated.
Hmmm... there is strong sun sometimes, but the leaves don't look burnt. They just seem to have splotches of a lighter green on them.
rainbowberry said:
Is it similar to this?


And have you noticed any salt like bits on the back of the leaves?


I'd say it's over-watering.
My plants once looked like the first picture without the salt thing. mine didn't wilt like yours, but the dots were there. mine got big, then bigger and bigger until the entire plant died. I never over-water, I actually let dry wilt a little and only then water them a bit.
So... be careful.
Mine changed in couple of days, so I think you're safe. maybe a deficiency? can't see how too much wanter will cause that.
I can't see that I have treated it differently from the rest with water and that, if Andres had the 'salt bits' I'd have said over-watering. I think that plant is a PC- 1 so I'm not too bothered ;)
I have the EXACT same thing on a couple of plants RB (First Pic) no salt residue. I thought maybe it was a mite or something but I dont see anything on them most bizarre --still curious as to what it is. The leaves are quite large and healthy looking otherwise its when looked at thru light that it shows
Yep, it is something very similar without the salty residue plus some leaf shrinkage. But not all my plants are exhibiting this spotting and they have all received same watering, feeding, etc. The affected plants are all Annuums so that could be it. None of my chinenses seem to be affected.
I've only seen it on Anuums before, never chinenses, I find in general that the leaves of the chinenses are thicker and crisper, just tougher basically.