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health Something seems wrong with my peppers need help please

Hey everyone. im curently growing a few diferent kinds of peppers and they seem to be thriving under a light i even have a few little peppers on one bulgarian carrot. Looking at my plants they seem very healthy but under a few scorpion peppers i see what seemed like mites i think. i took a closer look with a big magnifying glass next to a light to see if i see any movement but there was none. I then sprayed the underside of the leaves on which i seen this happening but even with a jet of water the (bumps?) did not move. I then took a used toothbrush to see if i can brush the stuff off but even then they id not seem to move whatever it is. My plants are in a carboard box with a 85W 5000k bulb (not 85w equivalent) and the box has 4 big air holes on top for ventilation about 4 inches in each. I have a thermometer and the temp is around 74F. The leafs are touching on most plants but it seems that only the trinidad scorpions have them (butch t's and morouga yellow) both of which i got on here. I looked at my jalokias and all my other and none of them have it. If anyone have any ideas or if its something normal please post your opinions. besides from them looking like they do underneat the scorpion type are the largest and best looking from all of them and looking at them from the top you cannot tell.

My guess is edema. A well draining soil and good ventilation is key. Maybe add a fan and give them some more space.
Yeah just looked up that info and that explains everything such as why i could not brush it off. Im gonna try to put some kind of fan to circulate the air more.
From my experience, the plants develop this if they are root bound. I think it's time to transplant.

Bad case of edema

Probably the reason why