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health Some help please, yellowing leaves, spots, etc.

so some of my Trinidad Scorpions are being a little difficult. I have most of them in peat pots, Happy Frog soil, and i switched to a new fertilizer, Fish Fertilizer, by Alaska. It's 5-1-1 and they seem to be recovering a little bit. Here's a picture of the two best ones I have:

and here's a picture of the other ones:

as you can see, the second ones aren't doing as well. I started them on two tablespoons of fertilizer, and watered them once with that. I've also hit up all my plants with Epsom salts due to their purpling (mainly my Jalapenos).

Here's a picture of my Chocolate Hab's, which are doing ok, some of the bigger ones have a little yellowing, but they too got the new fertilizers and have started to rebound:

thanks for any help. I was bottom watering them, but since they've gotten pretty big, i started top watering them, so far once with the new fertilizer, and then straight water after that, and once with epsom salts too. it's been about a week since switching to the fish fertilizer, should i give them more? or wait a little? i feel like the new ferts and epsom salts are helping, but it's still slow going. i have a whole tray of Jalapeno's that are doing great, and they were started a couple weeks after everything else. Here they are:

Also, for a little while they were all kind yellowing, and would have some of their bottom leaves fall off. That's mostly stopped now, but here's a pic of a couple of my Jalapeno's after that happened:

Will these even be worth saving? And when I put them in the ground will they only have two branches off of them, or what. Thanks again folks, keep on growing....
i have an oscillating fan that hits them all day, and the Happy Frog is just the potting soil, as far as i know it doesn't have ferts in it, but i could be wrong. with the h2o2, should i foilar spray them with that?
Less is better. Being they are so small your Happy Frog soil probably has enough ferts in it.

It seems you might be over fertilizing.

This I agree with. Happy Frog is very nutrient rich. No need to fertilize until plants start showing deficiencies. Which I doubt will happen before you have to repot them. I'd just use plain water from here on out. IF you feel the need to fertilize just do a foliar spray.
the last two will grow out more branches in time. Don't worry too much. The others seem like you may be over fertilizing? You mentioned starting them on two table spoons of fertilizer. Does that mean from seed you started fertilizing because I fertilizer my big plants once every 3-4 waterings and my seedlings never see a touch of chemicals until they have 4-5 true leaves. Do not pitch that last two as they do look good. The only really bad ones are your second picture. The rest look great.
i didn't start fertilizing until they had at least a couple sets of true leaves. i started with Florablend Vegan Plant Booster, which is supposed to be like an AACT, it's .5-1-1 and i only used a couple teaspoons per gallon and i only used it a couple of times in the last 3-5 weeks. then they started looking crappy, so my local gardening shop recommended trying the Fish Fertilizer which starts at 2 tablespoons per gallon, as i thought i was under fertilizing them. since i switched, the Chocolate Habs look better, the 2nd set of Jalapeno's are coming along great. It's just the first set of Trinidad Scorpions that looks like crap. When i do h202, what's the ratio. And looking at the first pic of Trinidad Scorpion's, should i fertilize every 2-3 waterings, or every 5-6? I guess i'm having a hard time knowing if i'm underwatering, overwatering, underfertilizing, over fertilizing, or if it's fungal, bacterial, etc. . .
Just add about a tablespoon per gallon and spray all the leaves with it. Dont douse them too much but let them get all wet.

And fertilize when they look like they need it from now on. Let them recover a bit by just using plain water.
I'm tellin ya there is no need to use ferts with that soil man. ITs just a great way to build up salts in your soil. And especially if you don't plan on planting them out til May. There is nothing wrong with them plants besides in picture number 2 what looks to me overwatered and over fertilized. Just use plain water man. Just my honest opinion.
I'm going to agree with Jamison, those plants look like they've been hammered with way too much fertilizer. Happy Frog potting soil is full of good stuff and you shouldn't add anything to it. Here's a direct quote from the Fox Farms web site concerning HF potting soil:

"That’s why Happy Frog® Potting Soil is alive with beneficial microbes and fungi that help break down organic matter and feed the plant roots.
Between the earthworm castings, the bat guano, and the composted forest humus, your container plants have never felt so good. And don’t worry—FoxFarm uses only the highest quality, premium ingredients—no cheap fillers, no topsoil, no sludge.

Something makes me think you're in a hurry to see your plants grow and subscribe to the thinking that more fertilizer means faster growth. It doesn't work that way. Everything in moderation. If those were mine I would stop all fertilizing and just water them when they have become dry.

Good luck.
i believe you Jamison. i just know Happy Frog makes alot of soils with the n-p-k listed, and there's none on the potting soil i bought, so i thought it might not have much to it. I'll try and just water them normally after an h202 spray, and see how things do.

thanks patrick and jamison. i don't have the mentality of the "fertilizer junkies" so to speak. i thought i could guage them pretty well, and keep the ferts light and try not to over water them. next time i won't use the peat pots, they dry out too quick.

back to the topic at hand, do you think over watering caused the bigger leaves to yellow and drop off of some of my plants?

also, it seems like the peat pots makes watering very difficult. the plants go from perky to damn near drooping dead overnight sometimes. i try not to blast the fan on them (its across the room like 8 feet or so, and oscillates back and forth).
For some odd reason I can't view your pics. But from the sounds of it. Way to many ferts. As Alaskan fish fert reccomends 1 Tablespoon per gallon on "MATURE" container plants. As I just used it on my seedlings @ 1 teaspoon per gallon. Which is a 1/3 of the reccomended dose. An showing no signs of fert burn. Seedlings don't need much. I just hit mine with it cause I sprouted in Pro Mix Bx and they lost their coty's to soon. As many have said less is better. I would reccomend to repot with fresh not over ferted soil.
Happy Frog also retains lots of moisture.... So you want to water alot less often. I say this from personal experience recently when used some Ocean Forrest potting soil for some tiny new sprouts I have. I noticed they where not looking too healthy and starting to fade to white..I pulled them out of their solo cups to find some soppin wet soil... Needless to say i mixed in some dry promix and got rid of most of the ocean forrest stuff.
Looks like you're using T5 lights too. If so you can increase the distance between light and plant to 10 inches or more. You're right about the peat pots having trouble with moisture control. Once they dry out completely it's a pain to rehydrate them. You may want to set them in water and allow them to soak it up. Then let them just about dry out before doing it again.

Good luck.
Happy Frog also retains lots of moisture.... So you want to water alot less often. I say this from personal experience recently when used some Ocean Forrest potting soil for some tiny new sprouts I have. I noticed they where not looking too healthy and starting to fade to white..I pulled them out of their solo cups to find some soppin wet soil... Needless to say i mixed in some dry promix and got rid of most of the ocean forrest stuff.

Ocean Forest and Happy Frog are different soils.