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soil soil sterilizing?

would putting bags of soil, that may or may not be contaminated with something like grub worms, or spider mites, ect. into a freezer for a length of time, kill off the infestation(s)?

and would there be any down sides?
not trying to be a smart A** here but if you are getting contaminated soil, I would change suppliers...

I think the main answer is "it depends on how cold your freezer gets"...and I have no experience in that...

If you pour boiling water in a container with the old soil in it, it will sterilize it, but may kill some/all your beneficials in the soil too...
I would say no to the freezer. IMO it would be a waste of space that could be cooling beer.

AJ is right, either get clean mix or burn it (with water or fire). The soil loves the ash too.
Freezing likely won't work, and don't freeze your beer either;) I used to solarize soil by putting it in thin layers between clear plastic sheets and let the sun sterilize it. Now I just make sure my "soil" used indoors is a good quality/sterilized product
Lots of people do not like Miracle Gro. I had to buy some - there was no other choice and a "white death" that was suppose to shut the city down for a couple of days was predicted. Found a nice size rock in it:


Microwave it.

I generally don't sterilize new dirt, but if I reuse old stuff I microwave it for 2 minutes on high first. As others state you are also killing beneficials.

Nuking it really is the best easiest quickest cleanest way of killing everything in dirt.