overwintering Should I remove buds on Wintered Over plant?

My 1st attempt at over wintering and  man I'm hooked!
This plant is an amazing little specimen.
Should I remove buds on Wintered Over plant? From what I've learned here, I'd say yes as to promote more energy to the other parts of the plant.
I would like to here from you guys. Thanks
Very tempting to leave them on but the plant is quite small at this stage.

Since you pruned severely, I would recommend they be pulled at this point. A plant is going to focus most of its attention on one thing at a time - you likely want it to focus on filling out instead of pod production for now.
     Pick them off if you have the time, but most of them will probably drop anyway. Just pick them off if they start do develop fruit. Your plant is running on energy reserves right now (being an OW and all), why not let it use that energy to start a root system and a flush of new leaves when it goes outside in spring?