seeds Seeds or Starter Plants--How long before you start new?

Hi All
Except for the 12 Thai Plants I grew from seeds, the rest of my plants have come from  places like Lowes ,Orchard Supply Hardware or my local lumber yard.  Having lurked here for a while before joining I noticed that most members start from seeds. It also seems that plants are kept for only one growing season and are replaced yearly. 
Getting opinions and reasons.
Thank you
Mike M
theclosetguy said:
Hi All
Except for the 12 Thai Plants I grew from seeds, the rest of my plants have come from  places like Lowes ,Orchard Supply Hardware or my local lumber yard.  Having lurked here for a while before joining I noticed that most members start from seeds. It also seems that plants are kept for only one growing season and are replaced yearly. 
Getting opinions and reasons.
Thank you
Mike M
Most of us start from seed because of the varieties we are growing are not available to purchase as plants. It is also more cost effective.

Most of us start over every year because of the zone we live in. You can probably avoid thos because of your locale.
theclosetguy said:
Ah ha  So plants can not be wintered.
It would be more accurate to say that they will die if the temperature drops below freezing. Peppers can indeed be overwintered, but in most zones that involves bringing them inside and putting them under lights, so it is a little extra hassle and expense to do it. And you would also need to make room for a bunch of pepper plants in your house all winter. So it is simpler and cheaper for many people to end their season around first frost, and then just start over again in January. But in places that have very mild winters, like Florida, people can and do grow them outdoors year-round. Peppers are perennials, after all.