seeds Seedling Help: Damping off or to much wind?

I've got a couple scotch bonnet seedlings that might not being doing to well.  They have been going very strong for last 4 weeks and just the other day, I noticed that they were starting to fall over in their solo cups.  Before I throw them away for fear of them damping off and infecting the other healthy looking seedlings I would like to know what ya'll think.
I currently have these peppers in an organic potting soil with about 1/3 perlite. They are all in a grow tent under a full spectrum LED light.  When one of them starting leaning over I feared damping off, however, the stem doesn't look is constricting.  I do have a small fan blowing on them (full disclosure: the fan is probably to close and they do tend to swiftly dance back and forth against the fan 24 hours day).  
Since I am giving the double cup method a try I have been feeding these plant from the bottom and top watering when they look thirsty.
Do you you all think; damping off or to strong of a fan which broke the delicate roots towards close to soil line?
Thank you all for your responses  :)
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Image #5

replant them deeper as suggested by Ed....they will be fine.
My fans run 24hrs a day 365 days a year.....the difference is the fans are on low settings and they do not directly blow on the seedlings but are pointed away from plants or above them.
all you're trying to do is circulate the air.
I don't like the bark in your soil dries to fast and no stability for the stem and surface roots.
add another potting mix with zero or no bark/wood fragments until they are older and ready for final pots.
they look great and healthy...keep up the good work.
I think your plant is drying off, not damping off, from too much wind. But that's just a wild guess.



Edmick said:
That stem looks a little mature to be "damping" off.
I agree with Ed to a point... In the pix I doctored the boxed area of the stem looks mature but in the two different plants the upper arrow indicates a less mature look and I wonder what the area at the lower arrow looks like? I'm asking OP to move the media around the stem to take a look for any issues, post pix if there's anything unusual.