seeds Seed drying

Hi there! Back again with another question. How can I see when my seeds have dried enough for storage? And which methods do you use? I've been having them dry between two pieces of kitchen paper. 
I only saved seeds once. Got a bell pepper from the store, warmed up my toaster oven to 250, turned it off, put them in on a sheet of aluminum foil, turned off the toaster oven and cracked the door and left them in there until it cooled down. maybe 1-2/15 seeds didn't sprout.
I used coffee filters instead of paper plates so I could fit more on my table, I had over 100 pods I was trying to save seed from though, next year we will see if I did it right
I just spread seeds out on a portion of paper towel, folded it over, and put it in a labeled ziplock on top of the fridge. Haven't tried the seeds yet, but they look good enough