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indoor Scratchzilla's Indoor Hots

Started some seeds last week, and they finally popped. They're under 3 2' 4100K Flouros. The varieties are "Hot Peter" "Black Jalapeno" "Mulato Isleno" and "Scotch Bonnet"




Hey, that avacdo in the back, I had read that if you grow it from seed, the plant will never fruit? have you heard this before or had any luck starting them before?
Thats correct, Avacados grown from seed rarely fruit. There are certain indoor varieties you can buy though that will fruit, even indoors.

Nice start scratch. Definitely let those guys dry way out before watering again though ;)
They look as wet as they do because I had just misted the room. I usually mist twice a day, just to keep the humidity up since the RH in my home is pretty low right now.
Been in the produce biz for 10 years now. Off the pepper topic but, Avos WILL produce from seed.
Just takes 7 years. Sometimes 10 lol. And that is why most think they don't. Patience my friend.
Starts look great!
Been in the produce biz for 10 years now. Off the pepper topic but, Avos WILL produce from seed.
Just takes 7 years. Sometimes 10 lol. And that is why most think they don't. Patience my friend.
Starts look great!

Good to know! Although Im not sure Im that patient. As mentioned above they are pretty looking plants regardless. Ive got a buddy that has one in his living room.
This is my first year with hots. I grew Tabascos this summer, and had to bring them inside when it started getting cold outside. Still harvesting some pods from those plants. I've got an indoor setup I use for starting veggie and flower seeds in the spring, so I figured it might be a fun winter project to grow some chili peppers with those lights. After they outgrow the flouros, they'll end up in a 2x3x5 tent with a 250w HPS. Pretty excited.
Update - We're one month into the grow, and I've taken the happiest 2 from each strain and repotted into 4'' pots. I've got them in a soil that's a mix of composted cow manure, garden compost and peat. This is the same blend I used on my Tabascos last summer, and it worked great. My avocado is doing really well too. Since these pics were taken, I've put it in soil as well. Behind the Avocado you can see my latest experiment. I took the butt-end of a leek that I snagged at the restaurant I work at and put it in soil, and it started growing.



Theses pics are a couple weeks old, but I just haven't had time to post lately, so I apologize. We're sitting at roughly 45 days from sprouting in the photos, and currently at 60 days from sprout in real time. As you can see there is a bit of yellowing going on in the leaf structures, but I've been watering weekly with Neptune's Harvest 2-4-1, and that's seemed to combat that issue quite well. The babies are out of the fridge and into a tent under roughly 245w MH light. My house is mighty cold (average temp in the room the tent is in sits at around 65F), so I'm not running any vent fans at the moment. Temps in the tent are staying near 75F. I'm on a water/feed/water/feed schedule, and spraying with organic bug soap every 10 days, just to keep the aphids at bay.


EDIT- This should probably be moved to the glog section, I'm not sure if I can do that, or if a mod needs to.