• We welcome content that is not political, divisive, or offensive. If we feel your content leans this way or has the potential to, it may be removed at any time. A hot pepper forum is not the place for such content. Thank you for respecting the community!

Political Humour...

I've been told that a right chicken wing taste better than a left chicken wing. Is this true? I can see how this could be possible being that the right wing is the dominate wing, and the left wing just flaps around. :lol:
But as I have requested uncountable times, let's keep the political banter off this board. There are infinite other sites to spout political vitriol, displeasement and unjustified rhetoric. This is a happy board, let's all keep it that way.
Problem is, as I have seen on many forums. Political diatribe is like a magnet on the net. Once a board begins talking politics, it starts appearing on search engines, once it's on the search engines, every splinter faction of mindless political drones, whose life revolves around hate of the other side, whichever side that may be, begin appearing en masse. I think many of not all on this board would like to avoid this wave assault of stupidity that will find their tendrils attaching to this site, and will breed their numbers of drones to infest this board with overwhelming vitriol and seething hate, and scare everyone away. I've seen it happen, it ain't pretty. As a very good example, if you've ever seen the original Matrix, remember those nasty little robots with all the tentacles? That's what I'm talking about. As The Creator, I won't even touch religion, LOL! :roll:
OK, I'll be the first to surrender!! I love everybody here.

I will not return to this thread. Now let me go have some fun!!!
there is a message board i got to to talk sports and there is a political forum...i never go it because everyone is right and im wrong and everybody knows that im right and everyone else is wrong.. :lol:
OK! So I'm back..I just had this incredible brain storm. Let us not talk real politics here. Let us Chileheads unite and form our OWN political party!! A party for Chileheads by Chileheads. Our only enemy are the non-Chileheads. Well, not really our enemies. Let me explain. We Chileheads have a purpose. That purpose is to rid the world of all non-Chileheads by converting them all to Chileheads. WIN-WIN for everybody!! Darn pretty good idea if I may say so myself. We could call our party the "Noah Genda" party. Well we would actually have an agenda, but we can't let the non-Chileheads figure it out or our plan to take over the world might be met with some resistance.
What do ya think??
I'm with you Cap'n. Allow me to be the Propaganda and Assimilation Minister. Together with my Dr. Moreau-style experiments, if they don't join the Party, they will end up as Soylent Green. I shall hand out our text, "To serve man". Considering chiliheads are quite the happy group, it'll be easy to spot the non-believers. The disparaged, the crestfallen, the truly exasperated and misguided, the naivete, the quibblists (sp?), the pariahs (lefties, whoops, my bad, no politics). Anyway, my work has not yet begun in this Crusade. I shall proselytize mercilessly and transmute all other ideologies to ours, the True Belief, THE CHILI! Refusal or denial of the truth shall fail, for they shall become one, even through concordant opposition, with the Chilihead Collective. To learn is to know, to know is Divine. AHHHH, WHAT A RUSH!!!! Whew, time for a beer. :lol:

wait a sec.......i just thought of something...cheney shot a lawyer...............a lawyer......its no like he shot a guy that had the cure for cancer he shot a lawyer...i say we need to give him more ammuntition and turn him loose.

go cheney go cheney ...its your birthday...go cheney. :shock: