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soil Paper towel or straight in soil?

Just wondering what you guys reccomend? Living in Quebec the ambient temperatures are rather mild compared to most of the country so germination is difficult to begin with. I don't have money to buy a fancy seedling tray so please keep that in mind.

I will be planting 10 chocolate habenaros and 8 burkinas.
Put the seeds in between two paper towels, then place them inside a zip-lock bag, wet the towels and leave the whole thing someplace warm, check back in a few days and they will have germinated enough to plant in soil.
Put the seeds in between two paper towels, then place them inside a zip-lock bag, wet the towels and leave the whole thing someplace warm, check back in a few days and they will have germinated enough to plant in soil.

I prefer using the plastic containers and the rest is the same. Set them in a warm place (80°F to 85°F) and your good to go.
I prefer using the plastic containers and the rest is the same. Set them in a warm place (80°F to 85°F) and your good to go.

I've only gotten this to work once. I've tried a plastic container with paper towels, cotton pad, and a coffee filter. Kept it moist at 85 degrees. The seeds ended up looking cooked and/or waterlogged though the temp was in range and I didn't have them sitting in a pool of water. :/

I've been through almost 10 hungarian hot cherry seeds trying to get them to germinate. Put in soil, jiffy pellets, and paper towels. All at 85 degrees, decent water, etc. etc. etc. I don't have a clue as to why i'm struggling to germinate some seeds.
Thanks ill give both containers and baggies a go. I remember from a failed grow (not peppers) that the paper towel method had a tendancy to rip the root from the seed, though the soil method was unpredictable..
I'm new to growing peppers from seed and I too have had troubles. I've tried both methods and have had problems with both. I have thrown away around 18+ because of seed rot, over baked and because nothing going on after 8 weeks.

But all is not lost as I have 5 that have sprouted and I'm waiting on 4 more. From what I've read and researched I think I'd soak the seeds in warm water for 4-6 hrs then put in soil. Your soil needs to be good with nutrients and add perilite, worm casings and kelp/seaweed. At least that's what I'm going to do when it comes time to put outside.

There are alot and I do mean alot of super smart people that are members (I'm not one of them..lol) here. Go to the forums like growing and the glogs and they maybe of some help for you, I've had to do that also. You can ask some of the members if you can be their friend and if they accept (practically everyone will) that is also a good way to gain knowledge. Anyway I hope that I gave you some good info to start from. Good luck!!
I tried putting it in a damp paper towel then hid it inside a broken microwave. the waited for several day the boom.. sprouts came out.
easiest for myself was cups (those clear plastic booze cups) of soil (perlite mixed with potting soil). seeds bearly set in the soil (vary the depth if your unsure as to whats to deep, the deepest i want was 1/4 inch and they still came up), spray with a little water, cover with saran wrap and put in on your wireless router,internet modem.. whatever is warm.. that spretty much how all of my pepper trees were sprouted this year.

might be a little much for 18 plants. But im sure you can find other electronic devices that are on all the time and will keep your seedlings soil warm.
easiest for myself was cups (those clear plastic booze cups) of soil (perlite mixed with potting soil). seeds bearly set in the soil (vary the depth if your unsure as to whats to deep, the deepest i want was 1/4 inch and they still came up), spray with a little water, cover with saran wrap and put in on your wireless router,internet modem.. whatever is warm.. that spretty much how all of my pepper trees were sprouted this year.

might be a little much for 18 plants. But im sure you can find other electronic devices that are on all the time and will keep your seedlings soil warm.

I do something similar except with red plastic cups and I cover them with zip lock bags. From everything I've tried, this has given me the best results, which are awesome.