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overwintering Overwintering Preparation: Mosaic Virus?

Alright... I might be f***ed right now. My two favorite plants, my potted orange habaneros, are two of the plants I would really like to overwinter. HOWEVER... I noticed that both of them (and so far *only* them) are showing symptoms of mosaic virus on their leaves. Ironically, I noticed that my cousin my cousin touched them--who is a heavy smoker--but he would laugh his ass off and make fun of me if I blamed it on him touching my plants (when he smokes his cigarettes all day, every day). He pisses me off, honestly, like all smokers I know... but back on topic, either way, both of the plants were always right next to each other, basically touching each other. So you infect one, all it took is one heavy rain to infect the other as well (which happened).

Anyway, my question is: is it worth trying to keep these plants going inside? Will the virus go away if I bring the plants inside, the leaves all drop, and I discard the leaves immediately? Or would I be better off tossing the plant this fall, bleaching the container, and buying a new plant next year?

And a better question: What would you guys recommend doing to prevent getting plants infected in the future, without looking like an ass? Honestly, I've had enough of his smoking BS to be honest; I hate breathing that crap when I go down there to his house when I'm bored, but now that it's possibly affecting my pepper plants' health (and not just my own, which is bad enough)... it's even worse.
Can't tell without pictures, for all you know it's something else. Also, from what I know, C. Chinense is resistant to TMV.
Can't tell without pictures, for all you know it's something else. Also, from what I know, C. Chinense is resistant to TMV.
It is?! Well what the heck... it definitely looked like a mosaic type pattern infecting several leaves. I immediately removed all affected leaves... if possible (if new ones develop) I'll possibly post some images. In fact, I'm 100% sure, based on the unmistakable look, that it was *some* kind of mosaic virus. Are the chinenses susceptible to *other* mosaic viruses then? Because it most definitely looked like mosaic, of some kind. I don't know if it'll occur heavily again though; the plants were also subjected to higher-then-normal rain (normal being virtually none).

Edit: Okay... there are no infected leaves I can see right now, but damn it... they WERE on there. The plant was bought from either Wal-Mart or Lowes, a Bonnie Plant.
As far as I know (which may not be much) only specific, immunized, varieties of chinense (or other varieties [annums]) are TMV resistant. It's not a general chinense resistance. It may be that you are indeed f*&#ed; but I'm not certain.
Wait for posters like AJ or Potawie to weigh in with their knowledge. Or you could PM them. Good luck.