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overwintering Overwintering in OZ..

Winter is approaching soon, was hoping the aussies can offer some help... what do you do to overwinter? I've had a few ideas... build a hot house, bring the plants in of a night (pita) or cut back the ones i like best (ie: the ones that make the biggest pods!) and keep them in the back sunroom..

What do you do? And when do you do it?

I'm in sydney, western suburbs so when winter kicks in we get some nasty frosts...

Booooo.. I hate winter!

You thinking about winter as well gets me worried. This has been my second grow this year and i will cry when the cold hits.

Last year i overwintered a Dorset Naga. I bought it inside near a window when it was getting too cold outside and it loved it for about a month then started to die a slow death.
It got chopped back to a bare trunk to sit inside in a huge container, probably about 50 gallons (150-200 liters) and was dead for about 3 months. When it got warmer i put it outside again and a few shoots of new growth started to appear but very slowly. I ended up ditching it and putting a fresh Douglah in it's place and it has done well! :! I am impatient.

Anyway chop them right back to nearly nothing and wax the main stem to seal it from nasties. After it gets warm simply water and watch grow! (Do not water at all during overwintering) Oh yeah you could want to re-pot in fresh potting mix too when grow season approaches.
Store them in you garage or similar.
Me drunk...
thanks Nova - i dont want to cut them back - i want them to grow all through winter but i think its unlikely! I will cut them back and keep them in the sunroom.. should keep them protected...

although.. I might use some sample plants inside and see how they go.. the heater is usually running so that'll keep em warm and I have a window where they can get sun...

when should I commit this atrocity of pruning back the plants? mum reckons i have until june... I have been crying to her :P

PS: couldnt tell from this post you were drunk! (some of the others... well maybe :P)
drunk...pft ... still drinking ;)

isnt the point of overwintering to put the plants into "hibernation " mode. SO no sun water leaves and such and such

it may sound silly...but wax the stem ? what kinda wax, where do u get wax - mekt candles ? how do u get it off...

id be happy to just get a single pod so far this season - but i think wait till the 1st frost before starting to overwinter. one syd frost (isnt that bad and they dont happen that often) wont kill em
lol - really im a mexican (from melb), and support canterbury bulldogs, and my girlfriend is from camden, and i work in macquarie park.... so yeah ...damn westies lol hehe just kidding ;)
lol.. just giving you sh!t :P... big bulldogs fans in this house... go doggies!! (although i do think that this year they will suck as el masri is gone and they cant kick for crap!)..

where in mac park r u?? mrmel has just started work there :)
bennoz said:
drunk...pft ... still drinking ;)

isnt the point of overwintering to put the plants into "hibernation " mode. SO no sun water leaves and such and such

it may sound silly...but wax the stem ? what kinda wax, where do u get wax - mekt candles ? how do u get it off...

id be happy to just get a single pod so far this season - but i think wait till the 1st frost before starting to overwinter. one syd frost (isnt that bad and they dont happen that often) wont kill em

Just light a candle and melt the wax over where you have cut the main stem. The plant will either shoot through the wax or find a new path to grow from. The method has been proven in the past.
Novacastrian said:
Just light a candle and melt the wax over where you have cut the main stem. The plant will either shoot through the wax or find a new path to grow from. The method has been proven in the past.

sweet as - will give it a go when the time comes.

mel said:
lol.. just giving you sh!t :P... big bulldogs fans in this house... go doggies!! (although i do think that this year they will suck as el masri is gone and they cant kick for crap!)..

where in mac park r u?? mrmel has just started work there :)

literally just across the road from Macq shopping center. building behind the cafe on waterloo rd
I've decided that I'm just going to let my plants grow over winter... if they die, they die. I'll have them out in full sun during the day and bring them in at night. Of course, we don't see much of that icicle shite here in Brisbane :P

First things first though, I gotta get these freaking mite shits under control or my plants won't even see a day of winter.... GRRRR!!!! :mad: