overwintering Overwintering HELP

This is my first attempt at OWing, I have about six plants that have been in pots for about a month and a half.  When first potted I soaked the soil then set in a room with indirect sunlight and about 55-60 degrees. I have given very little water since then, if i had to guess i would say in total about three to four cups.  Plants were showing signs of new growth after a  few weeks and are continuing to look good. I havent checked on them in a while so last night i went to go see how the growth was doing.  I noticed that the ends of the branches are starting to turn to "twigs" and can easily be snaped off plant.  Branches are also showing discoloration on branches where turns from live healthy to "twig like"...green to brown. My question is what causes this? Can it be fixed, or at least stop any further progression.  My first assumption went to under watering.  Wanted to get some thoughts from people who have over wintering experiance.  
Ugh. Ok, first off is yes, you might be under-watering. If you aren't using the lift test, start doing it now. Pick up your pots and feel how heavy they are - they're probably fairly light. Give them a good soaking until the water runs through the drain holes, then let them drain until it stops coming out. Lift them again and notice the difference. Generally you want to give them a good soaking then let them get fairly light before watering again. The plants will tell you when they need watering by their leaves drooping a tad. Don't let them droop a lot, just a bit, before watering. 
Another thing that has me more concerned is whether you have a fan on them or not. They could have a soil fungus, as that will cause die-back from the tips, as well. If they have a soil fungus, fungus gnats might not be far behind, if they're not already present. If this is the case, my preferred approach is to first repot, removing as much of the current soil as possible, then giving them fresh potting soil. When you water the next several times, use 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide to 1 gallon of water. That usually helps.
Thanks for the info, Gnats have not shown their faces yet, I was afraid that it might be the soil. My brother (who is an arborist) thought soil too, but wasnt sure.  He thought soil because on some plants the problem is isolated to one side. I am in the process of moving now and as soon as i get settled i will follow your recommendations.
What do you suppose caused the "soil fungus".  Did I carry it in from the garden? Or is it because no air movement.  I did have the plants in a storage room that is entered maybe once every two weeks, and no a fan is not running on them, didnt know i needed one.
Thanks again
Did you harden off or not. If not, than you can simply water every 2-3 days (assuming plants are about full grown). Soil fungus because not much airflow, but from garden. Just keep em at a temperature that you wouldn't mind and they should be fine.