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favorite One of my favorite things about this time of year: Clementines


It's about damned time they got these in, the oranges have been more like yellows around here. I just sat here and ate like half the case before posting this. I'll have to go get more tomorrow.

I love these things.:onfire:
I just ate a sandwich and 5 clementines for lunch. I definitely must buy another case today. I love how easy they are to peel with almost no pith.
oh i loooove them but have to restrain myself to a few a day, they are an ibs no-no...
i'll never get scurvy, i can assure you that...
the clementines we just bought were awful. hopefully they'll ship more out here soon. i did find a couple that had some juice though. i used it in the cnadying of some habs for added goodness.
Clementines, tangerines and "Mandarinen" (that's the name tehy sell with in Germany) are great with Vit. C and they make good hot chutneys and sauces!
My youngest two kids tear those things up. I'll get back from the store and they'll sit down and eat the whole damn box. I don't bark at them for it though, rather those than junk food any day.
I went to a factory in Spain (Murcia) that squeezed those and made fantastic juice out of them. Was for sale in Canada for a while under the PC brand, but no longer available.
I love them, I ate 5 of them at work last night, we had stickiness everywhere, keyboard, phone, door handles. The ones we have are tiny though, like the size of, oh I dunno, a small round kiwi.