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nothing to do with peppers...

more aboot Canadians. My family is from Novie:

You know you are a true Nova Scotian when you ...

1) Know the provincial flower (the mildew)

2) Use the phrase "sunny breaks" and know what it means

3) Stand for two minutes on a deserted street corner in the rain waiting for the "Walk" signal

4) Can taste the difference between Tim Horton's, Starbucks and Wendy's coffees

5) Know how to pronounce Antigonish, Musquodoboit and Tatamagouche

6) Can tell the difference between Canadian and American

7) Consider nothing unusual about a weather forecast that
says, "Rain followed by showers"

8) know that anyone carrying an umbrella is either a wimp
or a tourist, perhaps both

9carry jumper cables in your car, and your wife knows
how to use them

10) Refer to the four seasons as winter, still winter, road
works and deer hunting