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pics new seasons pics

here are a few pics of some of this seasons lot..

my baby Tex Mex Tri


i promised some1 these pics, the Chocolate Bhuts (night pic)


lucky took this 1 too, Killer Snail attack on a Jonah and unfortunatly for it, it wasn't quick enough to escape


these are ButchT Scorpion, 7 Pod (Jonah) , Trinni's 7 Pod, and Yellow Scorpion the Yellow 7 pod is to the right a Bit and ill take a pick of that later :)

i hate snails
Your babies look really good! Can't wait for seed starting time, I am tempted to germinate some now, hehe...
yup Snail pellets, I HATE THEM (snails) they kill more of my seedlings than anything, i find over 100 a day dead prob cause i have sprinklers going hrs a day they migrate from other states..

Pot size determines root size, which determines plant size, some i like to start in small pots, so they semi root bound, then Transplant as they get Bushier that way and more chilli's, and some ill use as Mothers put in 40 - 50 cm pots or Grbage bins so they just naturally go and do what they do.. some plants though like the ornamentals just go in 10 litre buckets as thats all they need as compact anyways ;)
dang Hippy...it sure makes me jealous to see you guys down under starting plants....I have about 3 months before I can start any..
Hey Hippy, how old is the choc bhut in the top pic?

I planted some of mine in potting mix and some in plain old dirt from the veggie patch, the ones in the plain old dirt are about half the age of the potting mix ones but are about double the size.

I am going to cut the bottoms out of my pots and plant them in the veggie patch, should go off their heads!!