health need help with reaper problem( leaves curling/black spots)

You haven't really said anything about your fert/feed regimen. But ignoring that for a moment... When you applied sulfur, did you cover the potting mix, so as not to get it into the pot?
hey solid I feed them miracle grow 12-4-8 once every 2 weeks, no I did not cover the potting mix but I would just rub a tiny bit onto the leaves with my fingers, not really dusting with the container so I don't think I got any onto the soil, If any it would be in super low amounts, these are almost 4 months old and they are still super small, I remember growing Trinidad Moruga 5 years ago one summer and it grew much faster and all bore fruits by the end of the year
That seems a little heavy, to be quite honest. I'd use that at 1/4 strength (or less) every 2 weeks, for the stage of life that plant is in. I say that, because at that stage of growth, I dose 3-1-2 at 1/2 strength once every other week.