Name the selling price

I need to help support the Farmers Market I started but simply don't have much to sell yet. But I have peppers left over from last year so figure one thing is hot pepper powder. What's a fair price for three ounces of
Habenaero Powder
Jalapeno Powder
Smoked (cedar) Jalapeno Powder

Is $5.00 for the Hab powder and $4 for the others about right, too high or too low. I have 40ยข in the bottles.

I would go $5.00 each and two for $8.00. Hopefully increase some sales volume. But like it was said already, if it isn't selling, you can always lower your price.
One problem is getting the powder into the bottles! That pepper dust is strong, and these aren't very hot peppers. I would probably have to do the processing outside if I was going to do super hots.

wordwiz said:
One problem is getting the powder into the bottles! That pepper dust is strong, and these aren't very hot peppers. I would probably have to do the processing outside if I was going to do super hots.


Could you not use some fancy ZipLocks instead?