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container My Container Growing Experiment

With how random the weather has been and how annoying my dogs have been by getting in my garden, I've shifted towards growing in buckets. It seems to work for so many of you so I might as well give it a shot. I've also realized my garden soil conditioning came out subpar at best so I'll be reworking it anyway.

Anyway, I've started getting buckets almost daily from my store's bakery department that they get icing in. Here's where I am so far:

I found a much better soil available in my area from Corso's. Combining it with the now-junk MiracleGro and Scott's along with some vermiculite and perilite, I have a very nice and pretty soil. It was raining when I took this picture so the soil looks a little dark.

And using coffee grounds from my night shift hotel job and my fiance's job and some epsom salt I made a nice tea. I've heard a lot of mixed opinions on what nute the coffee grounds give. Whatever they are, they'll be helpful.

And after weeks of looking beat up from the awful weather and little to no sun, my original potted plants look so much better.

I really hope this weather clears up soon. I don't wanna spend any more money on these things this season!
Lookin goot, I sent a few datil starts to my wife's cousin near Perrysburg... he'll probably kill them but yours look great. I was amazed at how long the days are up there for this Fla cracker (Native)... :beer:
I do a 100 “5 – gal” pots each year, they work great!!

You’ll do just fine this season…they allow you more control options.

Good Luck!!
Got my first pepper coming in. Off the same plant that started last week and just dropped off. It's one of my mystery plants but it looks like it'll be either an Indian PC or Chili D'arbol.

My bhut jolokia is continuing to respond well to the new, less-waterlogged soil. As are all the other plants.

Also my number of containers is growing rapidly. Everytime icing is used, I gain a bucket. Thank you graduates and your cake! Making up more buckets tomorrow!

And lastly in my pepper plant pics for the night is this pretty little bug I rescued from the kiddie pool he was drowing in. Hope he's not a danger, lol.
Very nice! I much prefer container growing, though I do both. I just find it easier to control and manage the plants through their whole lifecycle. 4 days of rainstorms coming up? Bring them inside. Nasty windy weather coming? Move them against a wall. Soil too acidic, or too much clay? Doesn't matter when the plants are in pots. A plant has some unidentified ailment? No prob - just move it away from the other plants. One plant is thriving and needs no fert, while another is yellow and needs a hit of calcium, mag, fert, etc., Fine, just put stuff in the pots that need it, and ignore the rest. It's just easier.

Also once you figure out the rhythm of pot-growing the peppers, I think it's possible to get excellent results, with pod counts and sizes very similar to what could be achieved in the ground. Container growing has lots of tangible advantages, and AFAIK no real disadvantages except needing to water them more in high summmer.

Good luck - nice collection of healthy, robust plants there!

Quick update.

My Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon (left) and Red Scorpion (right). My ButchT is rihgt behind the red scorp. They're all doing wonderful and are just bushes.

And these are my random anaheim seedling. Huge roots for such a tiny sprout.

Everything else is growing like crazy. Just no time to take more pictures.
Whatever you did for that anaheim seedling, it's working, those roots really penetrated!!

Everything else looks great too.
<====very convinced that containers are the easiest way to go...
I partially agree AJ.. It'd be much easier if I had your watering and nute system for my pots, lol. My 22 or so is pretty easy but I know if/when I add the other 10 or so, it's gonna become a bigger pain to water. But I'm okay with that. The much nicer looking plants totally make it worth it.

But so far the experiment has gone off without a hitch. Removing the stunted plants from their doomed fate in the garden has really done them wonders. Within a week they had doubled in bushiness and some are growing much taller.

After the liquid gypsum bath that I gave the garden, the plants in there have begun to also take off. I may have a good harvest this year yet. I'll have more pictures Saturday.