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Hot Portugal Plant, only about a foot tall and loaded with pods. No new blooms in several weeks. I guess that all the energy is going into the pods. I really like this heirloom variety, although admittedly the heat is inconsistent with some having zero heat and others being hotter than the 5,000 Scoville units advertised:


Sweet Cayenne that actually has some pungency. It is a good producer of very long pods. I really like how this plant looks, although will not likely grow this variety again.

Still growing mine are..i have some tiny little Cayennes which matured to early and some long green ones still growing,But yours are fantastic and such a bushy /healthy plant :)
Are a fantastic harvest of lovely cayennes there..great is not after all the worrying and now its all been worthwhile :)
rainbowberry said:
I like your pots, my Cayennes are turning red now too, they don't look as pretty as yours though.

I take that back, my Jalapenos are turning red :rolleyes: I have got two Cayenne plants, one's OK, the other looks like it's in God's waiting room. I wasn't successful with Cayennes last year either.
Tried my first ripe one yesterday r.b was impressed as i read a lot of folks didn't like the taste i did :)