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Ya, had twigged the florida bit, didn't know about the dalmations.

I've just bought a blair 4 pack from them on Ebay. Then had a look at the site and found the Kato one amongst others. I've invited the owners to have a look at this site.
Buy that one, it's amazing!

Which Blair's 4 set did you get? Last month he sent me a 4 pack of his "Heat" line...the Wasabi one's my favorite.
Um... what does the flaming red dot represent? Is it good or bad?

I bought the original death, after death and two other death pack. :onfire:
LOL. It wasn't sarcastic. Thanks for inviting people.
They've just arrived in the post! Woot! Have just given my secretary a taste of Afterdeath believing it to be the hottest.

Then I tried the Sudden Death.


SWEEEEEEEEET! I'm not going to get any work done today :onfire:

Ow. Ow ow ow. Was sampling by dipping end of finger into bottle. Should not have picked nose. Ouch.

Edit: Have been dabbing away at it over the course of the day. Am building up quite an endorphin rush, I think. Feel rather "sharp" and a little wired, and more than a little euphoric. Cool.
Shooty* said:
Ow. Ow ow ow. Was sampling by dipping end of finger into bottle. Should not have picked nose. Ouch.
Bwahahahaha!!! Been there before, I feel your pain :onfire:

Shooty* said:
Edit: Have been dabbing away at it over the course of the day. Am building up quite an endorphin rush, I think. Feel rather "sharp" and a little wired, and more than a little euphoric. Cool.
Sounds like a small rush going on. The real trick is to take a large dose and then you'll get those same feelings plus light headedness and the lights around you will seem to glow and glisten.

thehotpepper.com said:
I knew you'd like this mustard sauce :onfire:
It doesn't have the "mustard yellow" color that I fear/am disquested by. Plus it adds a great texture!
Meaner Greener is great too.