pics Just wanted to share some pics ; )

As Ive shared I'm new to superhots and container growing and am about to undertake a fairly large grow for me anyways.In the meantime I've been experimenting and wanted to share some pics for your input. The first 5 are in order Infinity, Butch T, another Infinity, a couple of Caribbean Hab's then a group of Jalapeños and finally a Mutt that came from seeds of a plant I grew that was sold as a Ghost but turned out to be something else kind of looked like a Peter maybe ( guess I got screwed ) ; )






I over fertilized this plant and burnt it and now it's got buds !


And she has rallied ; )

Thanks everyone I'm so geeked! I'm just in the experimental stage but am using Black Gold. I have watered in some B12 with a root stimulator and a little earth juice micro nutes and finally some Fish fert 5-1-1 just recently as they had some yellow leaves. Oh and have gave em a spray with some Epsom Salts. I'm gonna be experimenting with several different combos til I find the one that works best for me. Black Gold is relatively inexpensive compared to other mediums and seems to work very well could be a little bit corser, maybe I could amend it ( thinking out loud lol) .. Man I LOVE this hobby !! I am thankful for all the useful info I've gotten from this forum!