annuum Jalapeno Tam!

Today I was outside with the pup and checking out
my plants when I decided to try one of my Jalapeno
Tam pods.Mild my arse!!These were marketed as a mild
Jalapeno but dang was I suprised by the heat.While
I like em hot I bought this plant thinking it would
be a good type for my g/f.Good thing I tested 1 first:lol:
Anyone else have similar results with a Tam?
Oh btw I liked the flavor heat and taste so I am not B*tching about it :lol:
Hey, TL I normally don't think jalapenos are hot either. However there are those occasional ones that I've bitten into that had me wondering where it got the heat from?:lol:
I thought they were mild and I think I am the one that suggested it to you HPFF, sorry about that...I can promise you a Jalapeno that is mild is called the Senorita...I grew them last year for the wife and they were like bell peppers...even the wife said she didn't like them because they had NO heat...
No worries AJ.I forgot to mention that it was mild
until I got to the seeds so it may be 1 of those
"its mild if you deseed" types:lol:Plus it is close
to my Tabasco so that could be a reason and the fact
that I (only to a few flowers) to some pollen from my Tab
and Fatalli and put it on some flowers:lol:
talas said:
jala/fatalli/tobasco cross joy joy indeed :lol:

that would make a small yellow/orange pepper that taste like a jalapeno and would burn your butt up.... :lol:

and remember HPFF...from what I have heard and read...the peppers don't get hot by cross pollinating on this years fruit....just their offspring (F1 hybrids and beyond) may show the hotter traits...if that is wrong, please, someone correct me...if not I am going to have Bell Peppers that are hot cause they are growing next to Bihs, Scorpions, 7 Pod, Dorsets, Nagas, Bhuts, and Chocolate Habs...
The Tam is an F1 hybrid isn't it. Maybe you got an F2 or another cross.
The tam also is said to range from 1000-3500shu which at the high end is getting close to the heat of many jalapenos(low end)

Maybe try the Delicias variety with 500shu or the "fooled you" variety which I couldn't detect any heat.
Heheheee...HPFF, sounds like my experience with Burpee's False Alarm Jalapeño. It was labeled as a jalapeños without the heat (which was B.S.) But I too liked the flavor and heat. They are good stuffed BTW.
ty for all the info f1 f2 i have no clue:lol:
i liked the tam and its heat but just worried
the g/f might not like it so... numex big jim for her :)
I also have no ideas about crossing i just wanted
to put some pollen from 1 type to another and just see what happens
And remember, these companies don't know their asshole from their belly button (I could see how they get confused those....they both get lint that nysteriously appears there.....). I just discovered the "Cayenne" we purchased is actually a "Garden Salsa" pepper......jackasses.