vendor Huge thank you to Dale at Bakers Peppers. Contest winnings

I recently won the slogan contest for Dale at Baker's Peppers.  That alone was awesome, but I had no idea what was on its way to my house.  Winner was to receive a "Baker's Burnin' Bundle"  which consists of 7 different types of seed.Not only did he send that, but he was kind of enough to include much much more!  What awaited me was a big box of goodies.  My mind was blown.  Take a look:


I only wish I knew which pods are which and what all was sent.  I plan to dehrydrate these to make powder and would like to keep it all separate.   Remember what all you sent Dale?
Look at the stinger on this bastard

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't half way through the jerky already.  It's pretty damn good and I love jerky.  My 2 year old son through a fit because he couldn't have any lol
So Dale, thank you very much sir.  I am both extremely greatful and happy as a kid in a candy store.  Hot candies that is lol

Jerky is gone lol