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consistency Hot Sauce thickener

I was wondering about using Guar Gum as a hot sauce thickener. I have made many hot sauces and they are yummy but a little thin. I have a bag og Guar Gum I bought for thickening ice cream, can this be used? If so, has anyone ever used it before? And how would you use it, does it have to be heated to work? (to be honest, I haven't even used it with my ice cream maker).

Any help would be great, Kyle :D
It all depends on the acidity of the hot sauce you are adding it to. Guar gum is susceptible to it, and will break down into nasty little white strands that look like spit after you drink milk. You may want to try plain old corn starch, as it won't break down, but will separate slightly, so the product will need a bit of shaking before use. We use dairy product in ours, which not only thickens, but makes it cling very well to food. The downside to this is that it has to be refrigerated. Xanthan gum may be better. The colloidal suspension is supeior to Guar gum, and isn't affected nearly as much by Ph as Guar gum is. It also costs less. When using hydro-colloidals, in large quantity, you will definitely want to shop around. Just make sure the one you are using is a non-ionic, as it will be able to handle not only large temperature swings, but will also remain more stable when dealing with Ph issues. Hope this helps.