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Home made heated propagator

(pic) Home made heated propagator

After failing to germinate any seeds for 2 years (unreliable weather) I decided to make my own mini heated greenhouse.
I got a little aquarium, a socket, and 40W bulb used for heating reptile boxes. I adjust the temp. by opening or closing the gap between aluminium sheets that I use for a lid. After 5 days I have good gemination of Siam, and Scotch Bonnet looking promising. Still waiting on Red Savina.

I'm happy, just wanted to share my dodgy but effective method.

I never thought of using lights for reptiles, that was clever.

You may now return to checking your peppers every hour to see if any more have germinated.
chibi said:
After failing to germinate any seeds for 2 years (unreliable weather) I decided to make my own mini heated greenhouse.
I got a little aquarium, a socket, and 40W bulb used for heating reptile boxes. I adjust the temp. by opening or closing the gap between aluminium sheets that I use for a lid. After 5 days I have good gemination of Siam, and Scotch Bonnet looking promising. Still waiting on Red Savina.

I'm happy, just wanted to share my dodgy but effective method.


The only problem with the aquarium is that you have to be careful not to over water because you have no drainage. In the future I would recommend a normal seed flat with what they call a seed mat, which is basically a heat mat. This way you have proper drainage and you don't risk losing your seedlings to root rot.
P_Schneider said:
The only problem with the aquarium is that you have to be careful not to over water because you have no drainage. In the future I would recommend a normal seed flat with what they call a seed mat, which is basically a heat mat. This way you have proper drainage and you don't risk losing your seedlings to root rot.

Ishould've explained what I did there, too.

I've got them in seed trays rested in cut off milk cartons so any excess water drips into the milk cartons. And I don't water from the top, I sit them in water for a few minutes and let them soak it up.
chibi said:
Ishould've explained what I did there, too.

I've got them in seed trays rested in cut off milk cartons so any excess water drips into the milk cartons. And I don't water from the top, I sit them in water for a few minutes and let them soak it up.

Got ya, that will work then.
Interesting idea on how to keep the little biggers warm. I've been sitting my seed tray on the top of the oven turned onto about 30c while then start. I can't seem to find a proper heated mat for love nor money about these parts.
Hmm Boags said:
Interesting idea on how to keep the little biggers warm. I've been sitting my seed tray on the top of the oven turned onto about 30c while then start. I can't seem to find a proper heated mat for love nor money about these parts.

I had the same problem with trying to find a heated mat. The garden shops here reckon they can't even order one for me. So I did what I could with what was available. Next year I'll get a bigger aquarium and a stronger bulb. :lol:

Pic on the way, just have to make a bit of time to get it done.
Here's a pic. I know it's crude, but it works.

Now, see, I would have never thought to do something like that. Before I bit the bullet and invested in proper seed starting equipment, I tried setting the seeds on the refrigerator or heat vents or whatever I could think of to keep them warm. What you've done is a tidy way to start a few plants, you can control both heat and humidity.

And, though this might not be a problem at your house, you won't ever come home and find an elderly cat sleeping on the seed trays because that's the warmest spot in the house. I finally bought an extra seed warming mat and put it under a towel next to the seed trays for Her Majesty.

This was just an experiment this year. I think I'll get a bigger aquarium and a stronger bulb next year so that I can sow all my seeds at the same time. Now that I know it works, I'm not worried about putting a bit of money into setting up on a bigger scale.
About the cat, the aluminium top gets bloody hot, so my cat stays well away.
Thats a great setup chibi. Let me know how you go with the Siam - you, me & LUCKYDOG are the only ones growing it as far as I know.

Did the Savinas sprout at all? I thought they would have been first up.
bentalphanerd said:
Thats a great setup chibi. Let me know how you go with the Siam - you, me & LUCKYDOG are the only ones growing it as far as I know.

Did the Savinas sprout at all? I thought they would have been first up.

Haven't had any luck with the Savina unfortunately.
I'm hoping I've got enough time left in the season to get some good fruit from the Siam and Scotch Bonnet. They're just putting out their first set of real leaves, so they'll be moving out of the tray next week. Will keep you posted.