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pics Hixs june 28 2008 pics update.


Here are some new shots of my plants.The pics aren`t the best but will try to get clearer less fuzzy pics.Still learning how to use my digital camera. lol rich

Did you post them or just want us to look at the link in your sig? Either way, nice little place you got their. What is the white stuff all over them?
Ok somewhere I must have something screwed up.I thought I had the pics right sorry everyone.Let me figure out where I screwed up. Rich
yea it`s my anti deer suppression system.Ok well now 1 more of 4 missing pics are are showing up.Sorry everyone for the bad pics not sure what the hell I did wrong. Rich
That's a beautiful porch you've set up. You've given me something to aim for. What type of peppers do you have there? I don't know them well enough to identify by sight.
it's pleasant walking out on your patio/deck/garden area isn't it hixs...especially when the plants are doing so well...I assume the white powder is DE?

very nice looking area...
Hey AJ and it was 7 dust.I didn`t realize I was out of neem and went out and saw my plants were under siege by white flies.Worked till today when I could get out.

OK the hanging plants are peach,orange,caribean red and chocolate habs.On the steps to the hot tub are
Top left to right naga jolikia," " ,scorpion," " ,Datil red,JS bonnet bottom fatali," " , peach hab, Datil red,dorset naga," "

floor 4 pretty in purple,scorpion,5 serano`s,hungarian wax,mild banana peppers.

And thanks for the comments on the porch.lol It`s a work in the making but a great place to keep plants fairly safe from our critters. Rich