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health Help...I've got weird leaf spots

I have been noticing this for a couple of days now and have been telling myself that I have just been over reacting. However, this morning when I got home and performed my daily ritual of inspecting my plants, I was unable to help myself and thus I am now in a frustrated mood because I have tried searching for answers to this weird leaf spot and can't find any. The pictured leaf below is from a Tabasco plant that I have in one of my raised beds. This is an actual leaf that I scanned into my computer to show what I'm talking about. The plant wasn't started by me, but bought from Cross Country Nurseries. The other plants in this bed don't seem to be having any symptoms (yet) and the Cayenne plants that are in the same bed are loaded with pods. My question to everyone is this: Should I be concerned and dig up this plant? And...What the heck is going on that is causing this??? I haven't seen any bugs around any of the plants in this bed, I check daily. I haven't been over watering or under watering. I haven't been using fertilizers. I am just plum stumped......

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Oh ya...BTW I also have at least another plant with the same type of spots on it, also from Cross Country Nurseries. It's a Lemon Hab.

I am close to chucking these couple of plants for fear of some sort of contagious disease...

On a side note:
I am impressed with this new scanner/printer since this is the first time I've got to scan anything, plus it prints color photos like a professional photo lab.
Thanks AJ...:) Hope your right and I will be adding some Epsom salt solution whenever it stops raining. BTW I did see your pictorial earlier, just after I was looking at a lot of pictures of leaves with horrible bacterial and fungus infections. By the time I saw your pictorial, well I was kind of off running...LOL

It looks like today will be a good and sunny day. I just finished watering the peppers with Epsom Salt solution, as if they needed watering. Boy has it been raining here the past couple of days, but I figured that a little extra water wouldn't hurt so at least they can get some magnesium. Now I'm curious how long it will take for me to start seeing some results.