seeds Havent grown from seed in ages but.....

I got 5 Lumbre coming up (seeds from Midwestchilehead) and 5 lemon drops from last years plants. Im thrilled to say the least. Still waiting on the Sandia Select to pop up. They were in the same tray as the Lumbre.
Day 7 (All started on April 10th)
10 Lumbre and 5 up sofar
10 Lemon Drop and 5 up sofar
10 Sandia Select....nothing yet
Im stoked because i loved last years lemon drops and wanted to make damn sure i got the same plants as last year. Last years Anaheims were somewhat disappointing but now if all goes well i will have 3 new kinds if the Sandias come up.
I really only needed a couple more plants, like 2 each. The extras im giving away as gifts.
Blitz527 said:
:pics:   HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Sorry... Had to

Silly me how forgetful ive become. :D
Lumbre 9 out of 10 sprouted. Front row Sandia Select and nada yet.

I actually did 10x2 lemon drop but only 10 of the seeds were from pods i let mature longer. I didn't count the seeds i collected from peppers i picked when i just wanted a pepper to eat. The back row (top row) are from pods i left ripe on the plant for at least 7-10 days. 2 of the largest pods i grew i left on the plant for about 2 weeks after they were completely yellow.
I think ive got 16 lemon drop seedlings now. 9 out of 10 for the pods i saved especially for seeds.