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greenhouse Greenhouse


Hey everybody. I know some of you have heard that I am working with a local highschool and my buddies at JSH Hydroponics to create a new hoticulture program. Yesterday we got to go up the school and set up the tables and resevoirs and got about 75 of my little plants in 2 of the tables up there now. I have about 500 little Bhut Jolokia seeds going right now (CPI) and hope to get em in there soon. Going to be lots of fun. I will be posting pictures here throughout our growing procedures with feeding regiments, progress updates, and at the end of everything, I will have a ridiculous amount of some great peppers to share with all!

So far we are going to be growing:
Red Giant Bell, California Wonder, Purple Beauty Bell, Caribbean Red Habanero, Yellow Peter Pepper, Orange Peter Pepper, Chocolate Fatalii, Yellow Fatalii, Yellow Bhut Jolokia, Chocolate Bhut Jolokia, CPI Bhut Jolokia, Yellow 7 Pods, Trinidad Scorpions, Datils, Chocolate Habaneros, Australian Broom Chile, Brazilian Starfish, Scotch Bonnets, and some Beefsteak, Roma, and Golden Tomatoes.

All but a few will be in the Hydro Setups, and we have a section for soil growing with a mix of Coir, Large Perlite, and Fox Farms Ocean Forest.

Here are a few pictures. Enjoy.

Front door. Look familiar Hot Pooper??????

A little outside shot.

This is the humidity and temp control/air cirulation system and vent.
Now for the good stuff!!

This is one of the soil areas. We will be havin 2 of these so far. Possibly a third.

These are the first four tables we are setting up. They are 4'X8' drip setups. We have 40 gallon resevoirs under each table.
WOW. That is so amazing and Big Time. It is so cool to see such dedication put into the world of hot chiles and veggies. Nice work. I can't wait to see the little guys growing up.
Forgot to put the picture in above. OOPS. Here it is.


One of the tables with all of the hosing and drip spikes.

This is one of the submersible pumps to keep the water in the resevoir circulating and keep it from going stale. We are also using similar bu larger pumps to push the nutrients up into the drip spikes.

This is one of the air pumps we are using in the resevoirs with large airstones.
Transplanting some of the little babies into their new homes. We are using 4"X4"X6" pots with a mix of Coir and Perlite. The little guy pictured is a Datil Plant

Filling up the pots and transplanting again.

Getting em all on the tables and inserting their drip spikes. The little guys are going to be so happy! Room for roots and food!!

Got the air and water pumps hooked up.

Putting in the Nutrient enriched water. We had to make the nutrient batch in a 55 gallon water barrel, and used a 1/2 Nutrient solution and 1/2 water mix to fill two resevoirs at a time running at roughly 660 ppm of food, and a ph of 5.8-5.9
Checking the PPM and Ph. Had to add some PH Down. It was at about 6.7 Got it right at the 5.8 we wanted. PPM were right on at 660.

This ones a little blurry, but we fired everything up, and here you can see the bubbles from the airstones, the flood pump in the back, and the nozzleat the top of the criculation pump.

Making sure all of the spikes are flowing correctly and in the right position. Some of the little seedlings got a little dry and were just starting to bounce back when I took em up there, so I know they are as greatful as can be. Going to get huge and bring me lots of peppers hopefully!!

One of the finished tables with Caribbean Red Habaneros, Yellow Peter Peppers, and Some Datils in the back.

Going to be up there every two days to check on the water levels, PPMs, PH, and of course the growth progress of them all.
Every vegetable and pepper plant and all of seeds for this operation(except for the decorational plants in the back of the greenhouse used for the school) were provided by myself to help teach the highschool kids how to put together proper systems, whether hydroponic or soil based, for them to grow their own vegetabes and food. Im going to be doing some lessons with them on all of the health benenfits of hot peppers, and teach them all about capsaicin, how peppers grow, and give them an idea of how to start up your own business. Got a lot of stuff to do, and a lot of reading and research still. I have been reading up on chile peppers in general, all of Paul Boslands books and research, all of NMSUs CPI handbooks and research papers, and Dave DeWitts books. Pretty much anything and everything I can get my hands on to make sure I give these kids every possible bit of knowledge the can soak up. Thinking of ways to make it fun for em, so I may go up there and eat a fresh Bhut Jolokia for all of them to see. May even let one or two of them sample a small piece. Probably going to have to make some sort of waiver or something. LOL

If any of you know of some good readings, or good sources for infromation that may help or is just interesting, let me know.
Wish me luck!
A few more random pics.

For some reason this picture reminds of feeding tubes from sci-fi type stuff.LOL

A worm farm we will have in use next week! Going to be awesome. Going to bring home some of that for my plants!

A quick shot of the inside. Going to be putting several more 4'X8' in there as soon as all the Bhuts have germinated and are ready to be transplanted.

Heating and ventilation. Heating. Seriously, may use it twice. This is Houston. I said the same thing with our fireplace!

Got two of these fans that are as big as me. Im 6'3". Got the breakers and all of the control panels for everything.

Found a picture of the flood pump.
Definitely going to keep everybody updated.

Im going to get our feeding chart and list of nutrients together and put em up and see what you guys think.
Im looking into converting half of the garage we have into a setup similar to the ones we are using myself so I can do isolated studies with individual plants. Want to try and cross some really neat stuff.

So far, all of this is being funded by myself and JSH Hydroponics. Hopefully by the end of the year we will have had enough of an impact with the kids and school overall to get a budget so that we can actually do some really great stuff. We want to try and get the kids in with the local supermarket here (HEB for those who know) The school already sells everything you can think of that is Dobie related from mugs and shirts, to lawn chairs, flags, bumper stickers... All sorts of stuff. We want to get the school USDA Certified Organic and start a section at the supermarket for Dobie High School Produce. HEB loves to buy locally and support the community. I think it is all going to work out pretty well. We will definitely have a booth at the farmers market to help raise money for the schools different youth programs and of course to help support the Horticulture Program.

Love the avatar hot stuff. Go Tigers!!!
Thanks! We'll see how they do tonight. I have to go to a b-day party and will miss the beginning.

I'm looking at doing some experimenting also. I want to get the thicker skinned peppers up into the 5 digits at least. I astill looking for some who test for heat relatively inexpensively.
Love it. Everything looks wonderful, even the Dr Pepper.

I like seeing kids getting more involved in something other than tv and video games (the culture that poisoned me :) ) And plants and growing veggies is a great way to get the kids out of the house and into something useful.
Considering Houston was once the "fattest city" in America, Im hoping the kids catch on to the fact that growing your own vegetables and food isnt just healthy. It can be fun. It can be a hobby. And it just down right tastes better than anything you will find in any supermarket no matter how fresh they claim it is. It can be lucrative too. Teaching em the business side of it, and some of the numbers thrown in there are insane. Caught me offguard at first.

Mainly just showing em how easy it is. 15-30 minutes a day is a short amount of time you can spend in your garden to eat and live better. Some of them dont even know other varieties aside from jalapeno, serrano, and habanero existed.
Right. I would have loved a horticulture program in high school. Im currently enrolling in the horticulture and plant sciences courses at the community college here to expand what I already know, and hopefully be able to teach it one day. Even if its just some at home courses, or like an outcall gardener to come set up your garden, teach you what to do, and help ya out when needed. I think it would be fun. Id get to have projects all over and see all sorts of gardens and everything. I just started trying to plan out our new front yard for my girlfriend. Going to find some nice flowers and all sorts of stuff. Got some butterfly flowers already. Neatest thing. They are so cool looking. Especially when the wind blows.