seeds Germination Time

Hello everyone. I have over 200 pepper seeds sitting in a jiffy germination tray on a heat mat. It's been well over a month of them just sitting there, and nothing has really germinated besides cayenne from home depot. My seeds are from pepper Joe's. Is there anything wrong?
Could be, though if some have germinated, it's possible that others just take longer. Without knowing the varieties, it's hard to say for sure.
That said, you need to be very careful with heat mats. I completely fried my first batch of seeds last year by underestimating how hot that got the medium. You do need a warm place, but not a hellfire and brimstone hot place.
Welcome to the forum!

1st piece of advice, slow down & take stock of your situation..... This is what you've posted:
NamllitPepper said:
I mainly buy from a few sellers (on EBAY, IKR, WOW) whose seeds have turned out to grow authentic plants. I am currently doing 45 different varieties.
See you on the forum,
NamllitPepper said:
I have over 200 pepper seeds sitting in a jiffy germination tray on a heat mat. It's been well over a month of them just sitting there, and nothing has really germinated besides cayenne from home depot. My seeds are from pepper Joe's.
The question I have are just the Pepper Joe seeds problematic? Are you having success with the others besides the HD Cayenne's? Or have you not planted these?
Edit: As internationalfish posted:
internationalfish said:
Could be, though if some have germinated, it's possible that others just take longer. Without knowing the varieties, it's hard to say for sure.
Please supply a list of the seeds you are trying to germinate. Additionally, Pepper Joe has a spotty record with members here.
My home depot seeds sprouted over 2 weeks ago. I've had only one seed out of 150 sprout, and it was the habanero. I am growing 7 pot primo, yellow peter, scotch bonnet, habanero and ghost pepper. 30 of each. Every single HD seed sprouted. No progress whatsoever on PJ
kentishman said:
Yep, something is definitely wrong. I wouldnt expect anything to germinate after 4 weeks.
"For Capsicum Pubescens germination can take between 3-14 weeks with an average of 3-6 weeks. Manzano type peppers usually take up to 2-3 months to germinate under ideal conditions."
Personally, I've started my entire summer crop 23 days ago on special germination heat mats that are plugged into a hortiswitch that has a temperature sensor inside one of the propogation boxes. This system was new to me this spring and it blew my mind - sprouts from orange flames in three and a half days! I've pulled 70% of my planted seeds off the mats and put the sprouted seedlings under lamps in less than one week, 80% in less than two weeks.
Except for the pubes...
15 pellets of Montufar with 3 seeds each - two sprouted and one is trying to sprout now. Put them under the lamps but they aren't really growing. These seeds were from a pepper I bought at the supermarket last summer.
30 pellets of Manzano Rojo with 3 seeds each - not a single sign of life at this point. These seeds were from my own plant that I grew last summer. First time I tried to grow them from seed and I clearly should have started them on new years day. I will have to go and buy half dozen rojos from the nursery this spring as it is too late for my own.
NamllitPepper said:
My home depot seeds sprouted over 2 weeks ago. I've had only one seed out of 150 sprout, and it was the habanero. I am growing 7 pot primo, yellow peter, scotch bonnet, habanero and ghost pepper. 30 of each. Every single HD seed sprouted. No progress whatsoever on PJ
So the bolded above are PJ seeds only, correct?
NamllitPepper said:
I mainly buy from a few sellers (on EBAY, IKR, WOW) whose seeds have turned out to grow authentic plants. I am currently doing 45 different varieties.
And you have none of these started?
podz said:
"For Capsicum Pubescens germination can take between 3-14 weeks with an average of 3-6 weeks. Manzano type peppers usually take up to 2-3 months to germinate under ideal conditions."
wow, wish I had known this before.  I saved some seeds from some Manzano's I had gotten at the grocery store and gave up on them coming up after 6 weeks or so and dumped the soil/seeds :(
Guess I'll start them in December next year!  Thanks for the info.  I had several others that did not germinate and maybe I just didn't give them enough time (Trinidad, Red Habanero and a couple others).
The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
So the bolded above are PJ seeds only, correct?

And you have none of these started?
I have one habanero seedling out of 150 other seeds, that's it. It sprouted 3 weeks ago. Same exposure to heat as the other seeds. This morning I opened a seed and it was empty with nothing in it. Maybe they're storing their seeds wrong? After all, it's controlled by a 19 year old.