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overwintering Flower buds on overwintered plants

I'm overwintering three Big Jim chiles, and they are forming flower buds. Would it be best to remove the buds? The plants will have to stay inside until April. Thanks.
 Some of my overwinters started flowering again as soon as i set up the 1000w HPS.  I just left them, and with the fan and the ladybugs, some got pollinated and produced pods.  While the Rocoto's, and the Aji's apeared to have normal sized pods, the 7 pots have produced smaller pods than the same plants produced outside this summer.
( Bonus fresh pods in winter :dance: )
If you thInk you can provide enough light and have time to ripen them before you transplant out this spring, i say let em stay.
(just my opinion, and what works for my grow may be different than yours)
anyway good luck, and Happy New Year !
Guatemalan Insanity Pepper
I agree with GIP - as long as you have enough light and warmth, let 'em rip! Fresh pods in the middle of the winter is like a little bit o' heaven.
If they're exerting metabolic energy to make fruit rather than foliage, they won't outgrow their space so quick... and, as has been said, you get a tasy snack... sounds like a "win/win" to me! Lucky devil !
Thanks everyone for the suggestions. The plants aren't under lights, but they are in a greenhouse that I keep a heater in to use on cold nights. I like mikeg's idea that the flowers will keep the plants from getting large. I definitely need to keep them small until April.