fertilizer Fish emulsoin/fertilizer - Whats the low down for a noob

Hey Guys,
So I switched up my soils that I am using and went to a straight potting soil instead of a mix.  Its a sandy based mixed with perlite, and some other stuff.  This is being mixed with mulched garden soil.
I will be potting around 20 more seedlings in 5 gallon bags here shortly.  
With that said it seem like everyone uses the fishy stuff, so I picked up some Alaskan Fish Fertilizer (5-1-1).  
Whats the low down on it?  Right now I have some Tomato liquid fertilizer, some Kelp Fert, and some 10-10-10 pellet ferts.
Is fish fert the best, and how are you guys using it?
I just bought some for the first time, too. I'll be using that with bone meal as my only ferts, so I'm curious to know also  :)
As far as I'm concerned it's an excellent choice because it's natural, and because it's a "low dose" of fertilizer it's almost impossible to burn your plants with it.  Try putting too much "Miracle" Gro on your plants and watch them die quickly. The only drawback is the smell imho, and it's not that bad (It's worse if you use it for foliar feeding).
I use fish fertilizer and seaweed extract as my only nutrients, other than the soil of course.  It has worked well for me so far.  I haven't tried using it for a foliar feed, usually use the seaweed extract for that.
Pepper-Guru just takes a whole fish, cuts it up, and puts it in a bucket of water.  I couldn't pull that off in my apartment, so I don't know personally, but he says it works great.
I agree, a lot of people here use it and get great results.  It is the only liquid fertilizer that I used last season after plant out and it will be the only one I use this season.  I put some Happy Frog in the planting hole which should take everything through the next month or 2 and after that I will hit them with some neptunes harvest or something similar.  Great stuff, your plants are gonna love it.
Pepper-Guru said:
Thats all you need, dont buy aything
So my landlord fishes all the time.  Instead of old horse manure, should I be soaking fish guts in buckets of water instead?  Or can I just bury them near the plants?  Don't know why it never occurred to me before...
Dorkasaurus said:
So my landlord fishes all the time.  Instead of old horse manure, should I be soaking fish guts in buckets of water instead?  Or can I just bury them near the plants?  Don't know why it never occurred to me before...
Either, if you bury then bury them deep.  dont want critters tearing up your plants.