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pics First Harvest Ever

Ok, this is the first time I have ever harvested chiles from my own backyard. Forgive my showoffiness but I cannot help it. Here we go. (Sorry for the pictures, as I am no professional photographer)

Dutch Red, Aji Limo, Aji Rojo, No idea????

Bolivian Rainbow, Peach Hab, Yellow Hab, Orange Thai

Fatali, and the other one has had me puzzled for days now. Doesn't look like anything I planted. Any help identifying would be welcome

Finally: Caribbean Red (Thanks for the ID Omri!) and Orange Hab
Such a lovely and delicious looking harvest! congratulations on the job well done. :cheers:
Enjoy those wonderful chiles. :)
beautiful peppers Andres...now you have to tell us how they all taste when you use them....congratulations...
Darn it...i'm still waiting for my caribbean reds to ripen. How long did it take for yours to go from green to red?
To me it seems they took forever. And only now are the tiny ones ripening. I am still waiting for the big ones. I ate one whole yesterday and I am still suffering the consequences, if you know what I mean. That baby was hot!! Although I thought it would be hotter to be honest. Does the fact that the pod is small affect the burn?
could be just the first pods off the plant aren't fully developed yet Andres..