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fertilizer Fertilizers

Hey Guys,

I am new to this forum so wanted to say hello and thanks for letting join this great and informative site. I was curious on whats brands of liquid ferts are the best to use for my chili plants. I am a newb in the chili world and had my plants super green, but now they are ever so slightly lighter in color, but don't think I am feeding them correctly or with the right stuff. If anybody knows a great liquid fert to use for both growing big and fruiting, please let me know. All the help would be greatly appreciated!!!

You're going to find that fertilizers are a personal choice. Everybody has their favorite and can show you how well their particular brand works. Read some grow logs and take notes on who uses what and how their growth is progressing. You don't want people to spoon feed you, you can't learn much that way.

Welcome to The Hot Pepper and best of luck to you.
hes right, it is a personal choice. this pass harvest was my first season and i used fish fertilizer. you can try that. you can try tomato fertilizer. worm castings. and maybe even your own poop :hell:
I'm still a newb, so take that into consideration before the big boys weigh in. But I've stuck with lower strength ferts, usually under 10/10/10. Lately I've been using Botanicare Pro Grow, which is 3/2/4. Before that it was just liquid fish fert which I think was a 6/1/1. Bloom formulas tend to be very low on nitrogen and higher phospherous and potassium to focus the plants energies on fruit production.
i use rock phosphate & bone meal. once in a while some high phosphorus bat guano. for liquid fertilizer im looking to buy some neptunes harvest fish/seaweed
I still use some old MiracleGro water soluable fert. Often is less about brand and more about what it contains. Other than your basic 10/10/10 some fish emulsion and epsom salt are great items to keep around.
I've been using "Watch us Grow" which is 8-8-8, however I only use 1/2 strength. It seams to work very well (2 week feeding cycle). I've also been using fish emulsion every other feeding, however you have to be very careful and use A LOT LESS than what the instructions say because it will burn your plants (from my experience). I use 1/4 strength. Epsom Salt is also great in addition to your other ferts. I put it my spray bottles and sprinkle it around the base of my plants so every time you water your plants they get a an instant feeding. I'm also a newb and still learning. This is just what I have found from other users and is working for me currently.
Ok. I don't use Milorganite. Icky! ;)

This is my first year and I went with Botanicare Liquid Karma and Pro Grow. Will also be using the Pro Bloom.