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fertilizer Fertilizer question for the pepper gods ;-)

Hello I'm new to gardening so I thought I'd ask the dreaded question, should I spray my leaves of ,my pepper plants with Epson salt every week? Also I have bone meal and blood meal what should be the best times to fertilize? Add w.e else too this BTW because I probably didn't express my questions good enough :-P you know language it gets misinterpreted. Oh forgot to ask why Epson salt is beneficial to the plant also the other elements why are the beneficial thanks I think I have a learning fever for plants it makes me happy and warm.
I never spray my pepper plants with anything. I've never had a bug problem with them.
I usually incorporate a tomato fertilizer in the soil when I mix it up. I grow my peppers in large pots, not in the ground as I don't have a sunny part in my yard for a garden, so I grow them in pots on the walkway in my front yard where I have the most sun. I mix dirt from the backyard, potting soil, and tomato fertilizer as my normal mix, but I'm thinking of adding some manure & peat next year and not use the fertilizer mix.
the only thing i spray is water...the only product i have used is flower tone. (http://www.espoma.com/p_consumer/tones_flower.html). its a granulated mix that gives your plants what they need slowly and promotes flower/pod production. i do this after the plants are 1/2 way grown and are about ready to flower anyway..
I never spray my pepper plants with anything. I've never had a bug problem with them.
I usually incorporate a tomato fertilizer in the soil when I mix it up. I grow my peppers in large pots, not in the ground as I don't have a sunny part in my yard for a garden, so I grow them in pots on the walkway in my front yard where I have the most sun. I mix dirt from the backyard, potting soil, and tomato fertilizer as my normal mix, but I'm thinking of adding some manure & peat next year and not use the fertilizer mix.
thanks zmokin, I'm growing in 5gal buckets I guess getting isn't to much of a problem just at flowering fruit and starting of the plant?
the only thing i spray is water...the only product i have used is flower tone. (http://www.espoma.co...nes_flower.html). its a granulated mix that gives your plants what they need slowly and promotes flower/pod production. i do this after the plants are 1/2 way grown and are about ready to flower anyway..
Very nice thanks I'll have to see about this product I'll have to remember what soil I'm using I've forgotten for some reason.
FoxFarms Grow Big is the one thats been suggested to me. I've used their Ocean Forest soil in the past and got great results. I've got a bottle of this stuff I'm planning to use next season in a sub-irrigated planter made out of either a 5 or 7 gallon bucket.


The only thing is that it's kind of expensive. But then again, I believe gardening is supposed to be the most expensive hobby you could pick... so, yeah... :)
FoxFarms Grow Big is the one thats been suggested to me. I've used their Ocean Forest soil in the past and got great results. I've got a bottle of this stuff I'm planning to use next season in a sub-irrigated planter made out of either a 5 or 7 gallon bucket.


The only thing is that it's kind of expensive. But then again, I believe gardening is supposed to be the most expensive hobby you could pick... so, yeah... :)
thanks I have seen that brand allot esp here in phoenix thanks.
I hope to not have it become to expensive of a hobby :-D
Don't worry it can get only as expensive as your pay check will allow, maybe thats why I'm always broke. Ha! really though, I save my own seeds and trade when I can, for the things I need.
I just use good compost and a little organic fertilizer, and a small amount of epson salts when the weather gets really hot. The only time I use insect soap is when I overwinter the plants because aphids and white flies try and take over. Blood and Bone meal are good to use just don't use to much blood meal as you will get a big plant with few pods. Seaweed spay is very good to use as a spray as it is rich in minerals that peppers and tomatoes love.
Don't worry it can get only as expensive as your pay check will allow, maybe thats why I'm always broke. Ha! really though, I save my own seeds and trade when I can, for the things I need.
I just use good compost and a little organic fertilizer, and a small amount of epson salts when the weather gets really hot. The only time I use insect soap is when I overwinter the plants because aphids and white flies try and take over. Blood and Bone meal are good to use just don't use to much blood meal as you will get a big plant with few pods. Seaweed spay is very good to use as a spray as it is rich in minerals that peppers and tomatoes love.
thanks wildseed nice name :-). why do you use Epsom salt when its hot, I'm just curious. Seaweed spray sound exotic I must get me some xD
I've used hydrogen peroxide occasionally on my container plants when I was feeling the soil had become too compacted, I was a bit worried about mold/bugs, or when my plants had been over-watered, were drowning, and needed more oxygen.
I've never tried the hydrogen peroxide but do spray epsom salt twice a month on the leaves when plants start flowering. I use 2 table spoons per gallon of water at max and stop spraying after pods start developing. I think I'll try the peroxide if I see any fungus, do you use spray it on plants that are doing fine and hows it help?
"Follow the link," I make 4 gallons of Epsom and H202 mix every 2 weeks or I use it for Bacterial leaf spot when needed.
I started a new weekly feeding that a good friend has been doing for years(some plants 12ft high). Rotate feedings weekly with Kelp, worm casting, fish immulsion, boot toyon. I'm on week 2 of new feeding, will wait and see. :)
"Follow the link," I make 4 gallons of Epsom and H202 mix every 2 weeks or I use it for Bacterial leaf spot when needed.

I've been wondering about using both. All I seem to find is instructions on mixing Epsom OR H2O2... what ratio do you use for mixing both?