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soil Earthbox growers soil

I am a second year grower and mainly use earthboxe's. My question is they suggest using potting mix opposed to garden soil. It is pretty expensive buying bags of potting mix since each earthbox takes 42 dry quarts of dry potting mix. Does anyone here make their bulk potting mix and if successful what is the ingredients ? Thanks and I would appreciate anyone's suggestions.
I make my own mix based on the 5:1:1 recipe. I use 5 parts of aged triple ground pine bark (my local nursery sells this, and I buy a scoop which fills my pickup truck), 1 part perlite, 1 part peat moss, and some dolomitic lime. That's pretty close to the recipes I've seen posted. In addition, I add 1 part composted cow manure. This mix has given me good results.
Go to your local nursery and see what mixes they sell. Mine has a mix designed for containers that is $50 for a full size truck bed full.