seeds Drying/storing seeds with silica gel beads?

I'm getting to the point where I have isolated pods ripening, and I'll soon need to start saving seeds.
I know the standard, reliable method is just sticking them on a plate in a place with good airflow, and that's the plan. But I'm wondering if anyone has experience doing this with silica instead, for initial drying and/or long-term storage.
It seems like the only risk would be pulling too much moisture out of the seeds, but is that really much of a possibility? I'm hoping someone else has some experience or insight here.
moruga welder said:
paper plates for about 3 weeks , bag em' put them in your crisper drawer in the fridge ,     :party:
I know this is great advice in a lot of places, but the reason I'm asking is that I don't have even close to enough room -- or environmental consistency -- to do this for all the seeds I want to preserve.
Bagging and labeling the seeds I want to keep and sticking all the bags in a single jar of silica gel beads would be vastly more practical for me. I'm hoping someone else has done something similar.
I've been putting at least a few packets in my powder jars and the baggies of dried pods waiting to be ground.
internationalfish said:
I know this is great advice in a lot of places, but the reason I'm asking is that I don't have even close to enough room -- or environmental consistency -- to do this for all the seeds I want to preserve.
Bagging and labeling the seeds I want to keep and sticking all the bags in a single jar of silica gel beads would be vastly more practical for me. I'm hoping someone else has done something similar.
not sure of shelf life in jars with gel packs , but fridge crisper , I' ve germinated 5 yr. old seeds to date .     