soil Do salts increase soil's ability to retain water?

I have a Chocolate Bhut indoors, under lights, in a 5 gallon paint bucket, filled with potting soil.  2 and 3 waterings ago, I gave the plant 1 gallon of water without anything added.  In each instance, I watered 4 days later, as the bottom leaves started drooping and the plant was light.  I added 1 tablespoon of  Epsom salts to the gallon of water the last watering and 2 days later gave the leaves a good foliar spray from the same solution.  The watering was 7 days ago, but the plant isn't yet light and the leaves don't show any signs of dehydration.
I know that in humans, salt intake causes us to retain water.  Is this the same for plants that live in soil?  To be clear, it has not been cooler in my apartment, than it has been in previous weeks. 
I don't know the newer to your question but I don't think its a fair comparison... When you gave the foliar spray it would have rehydrated the plant a bit...
Epsom salt isn't really's magnesium sulfate and yes plants need it. Does it retain water...I would say no. But it helps the plant with its uptake of nutrients it does need. If your plant turns light in color it's usually a cal-mag deficiency. But keep a eye on it oh and what kind of soil are you using and what's the ph?
Baseman said:
Epsom salt isn't really's magnesium sulfate and yes plants need it. Does it retain water...I would say no. But it helps the plant with its uptake of nutrients it does need. If your plant turns light in color it's usually a cal-mag deficiency. But keep a eye on it oh and what kind of soil are you using and what's the ph?
Three guesses what happens if we drench with 1Tbsp/gallon NaCl.
Baseman said:
Epsom salt isn't really's magnesium sulfate and yes plants need it. Does it retain water...I would say no. But it helps the plant with its uptake of nutrients it does need. If your plant turns light in color it's usually a cal-mag deficiency. But keep a eye on it oh and what kind of soil are you using and what's the ph?
I'm using ordinary potting soil:
This product is regionally formulated from organic materials (derived from aged forest products), sphagnum peat moss and perlite. It's good stuff as the plant got huge without any nutes.  I only added the Epsom Salt to help with the flowering.
I have no idea what the soil PH is, but my Tap Water is neutral - 6.1 - 7.1.