overwintering Did I plant overwintered chili too early?

I've planted my overwintered chili outside into raised bed and it's loosing its leaves and looks rather shitty. 
Temps dropped to around 5°C a couple of nights, otherwise it's around 8°C or more. Daily highs are around 20°C.
Anyone knows if these are signs of some kind of disease or just some damaged done by intensive sunlight and perhaps cold nights. Should i toss it to prevent possible infection?
Thank you for the help!

Could be a combo of both. Especially if you just took them from inside and planted them without hardening them off over the period of a couple weeks. I did that one year. Took them from the basement where they were overwintering and put them outside under full sun for an entire day until I realized what I'd done. By that time it was too late. Every single leaf fell off. They eventually recovered, just took them a little while to bounce back