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chinense D3monic's Bahamian Goat x Butch T Yellow Scorpion pod test

The working name for it is D3monic Goat/D3 Goat. This was a pretty hot pod. It didn't seem quite as hot or as long lasting as the Carbonero x Butch T Yellow, but this pod was only half the mass of that one. Factoring that in, this was probably hotter. If I ate two of them, it would have really hurt. The heat ramped up scary fast, then it leveled off. The flavor to me was a little floral/perfumy, which I didn't love fresh. But I'd probably enjoy it in a powder or sauce. Thanks D3monic for letting me try that.
I agree , not my favorite in the group. Powder goes down similar. Hot and can feel it burn all the way down. Haven't got pods off the other two plants yet. Hoping something better shows up