free Clones for seeds!- free stuff too!

Clones for seeds!- free stuff too! Updated "again"

To day I offer some lovely little cloned snippets of cactus- to trade for any type of seed you have spare, just about anything will do. just ask. > aren't they pretty-
Also for exchange are:
-5 Cherokee Devil's claw
-Organic Wheat Grass Triticum aestivum " good if you are prone to toothaches"
-20 Black Cobra Pepper
-8 sweet million tomato
-20 Golden Jubilee Tomatoes
-5 Carolina Cross Watermelon "the huge ones"
-20 Allsweet IceBox Melon
-20 TenderSweet Watermelon "dark" no the light ones.
-Pink Banana large squash
Also I'm here to post some free seed
-5 beefsteak tomato
-10 Hungarian hot wax
-15 Lava Carribe
-5 black pearl
-10 Carnival Bell
-10 sweet 100 cherry tomato
- 10 "coffee bean" failed open-pollinated pepper hybrid. -it didn't stay true but fun nonetheless! Still waiting for the surfing peppers response on those
-100 Scarlet Nantes carrot

just ask if you want em.
what is a failed seed?

hey did you recieve my seeds yet? the black bomb cascabel is doing great you sent me!

what is the coffe one supposed to be like, so it is an unstable cross?