seeds Can a Single Plant Produce Peppers With Viable Seed?

I have a pepper plant coming up from an old batch of seeds, and I am wondering if just one plant alone, with no others around it, can produce peppers with viable seed? Or do they have to have other plants around it to do that? What I am hoping (if I have only one plant germinate) that I can just have it grow peppers and use it as an "endless" supply of seeds.
Agreed with the other two comments but just adding to it, make sure you only use fully ripe pods to harvest seed from. Harvesting seed from green or immature pods can leave you with poor germination rates or non-viable seed altogether. You probably already knew that but I thought it was at least worth mentioning.
My friend grew a single tomatillo last year. I brought a branch off of mine with flowers over and he stuck it in the top of his plant lol. But he kept getting fruit to set way after the branch dried up. So either they can self pollinate, or the bees were bringing him pollen.
Walchit said:
My friend grew a single tomatillo last year. I brought a branch off of mine with flowers over and he stuck it in the top of his plant lol. But he kept getting fruit to set way after the branch dried up. So either they can self pollinate, or the bees were bringing him pollen.
On one hand, hens will lay eggs with out a rooster  But on the other hand, apple trees need a pollinator and do best with a cross pollinator.  I do not know if tomato need a pollinator to produce fruit, maybe they just need it for viable seeds.  Kind of a hmmm moment for me because of something that the original Pepper Joe said about tomato not being grown in isolation.... Hmmmmmmm

Glad we focus on peppers because building something for multiple tomato plants to protect the dna would be a whole lot more complicated than bagging single plants
AJ Drew said:
On one hand, hens will lay eggs with out a rooster  But on the other hand, apple trees need a pollinator and do best with a cross pollinator.  I do not know if tomato need a pollinator to produce fruit, maybe they just need it for viable seeds.  Kind of a hmmm moment for me because of something that the original Pepper Joe said about tomato not being grown in isolation.... Hmmmmmmm

Glad we focus on peppers because building something for multiple tomato plants to protect the dna would be a whole lot more complicated than bagging single plants
it is my understanding that tomatoes and peppers can self pollinate while cucumbers need to be pollinated by bees or by hand pollinating.  
AJ Drew said:
On one hand, hens will lay eggs with out a rooster  But on the other hand, apple trees need a pollinator and do best with a cross pollinator.  I do not know if tomato need a pollinator to produce fruit, maybe they just need it for viable seeds.  Kind of a hmmm moment for me because of something that the original Pepper Joe said about tomato not being grown in isolation.... Hmmmmmmm

Glad we focus on peppers because building something for multiple tomato plants to protect the dna would be a whole lot more complicated than bagging single plants
Walchit mentioned tomatillos, which to my knowledge require two plants to set fruit.
I'm not sure about the whole tomato thing since I've never had less than two, but I'd never heard anything about tomatoes not doing well in isolation