overwintering bug pre-treatment before bringing plants inside for winter

As has been evidence by all of my amateur questions, I am new to pepper growing.
I am going to have to bring my 4 reaper plants inside soon.  Temps are predicted to get down below 40 here in Dallas by mid month.  I am not interested in doing the traditional "over winter" of cutting everything back, which is about all my searching has yielded.  I just ordered a Mars Hydro Mars II 900w LED light so my plan is to keep the plants going as they are.
I would like to do a spray treatment prior to bringing them inside to attempt to stave off all of the various bugs and what not I keep reading about.
The Bonide Citrus, Fruit and Nut spray is one I have read about a few times in my searches for over wintering and was pointed out as a good pre-treatment(unless I read things incorrectly, which is always possible).
Would this be something to use as a "pre-treatment" type of spray to hopefully stave off anything before it gets going?
OR would this be something to have on hand "just in case" I do get bugs indoors?
I pre-treated mine twice about a week apart with soapy water.
 Its a good idea when bringing plants inside. Especially if you have plants that stay indoors.
Also at least some trimming makes visually inspecting for bugs a lot easier.
I trimmed mine and blasted them with insecticidal soap, leaving it on for 10 minutes and then I rinsed it all off.  I've burned my plants before by leaving the soap on.  No aphids on any of my plants and growing like crazy.
This is how I clean mine. No bugs in my house.
I dont want to unpot them or trim them to nothing or anything like that.  I just want to bring them in and put them under the grow light I ordered and keep them growing as they are for ~3 months before I can get them back outside ~March time frame.
Sounds like the insecticidal soap will do the trick vs. the Bonide.