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harvesting Best way to harvest and store chillies


What is the best way to take the chillies from the plant? I usually snip the stem of the chilli with a pair of scissors is this correct or is there a better way to harvest?

Also, how long can they stay fresh for if kept in the refrigerator and should they be stored in an airtight plastic bag or left loose in the salad drawer/ shelf

Your advice is Much appreciated
As for storage, depending on what i'm doing, i sometimes put em whole in the freezer....they'll hold well in there for a couple of months
I bought a nifty container the other day by Tupperware. It was expensive, but it is huge. It'll hold at least 3-4 dozen habs. It has an airtight seal if that's what you wish. It's unique feature is two airholes to limit the amount air or moisture. Apparently it suggests one vent closed for peppers. My habs were shiny and perfect by the time i was ready to cook em up. The jalapenos were another story, but they were bought before the habs.

I've read that habs can be kept in the crisper in a paper bag also.
Fingers only,, top of stem at stalk (poor plants , id never use metal objects) then i either Dehydrate, put in containers or Powder.. or if for sauces , in freezer (but they seem to go sort of soggy when defrosted, why i do for sauces)
Fingers at the very base of where the stem of the pod and the plant meet. Then tilt it back against the way it naturally bends and *POP* it's off.

I usually dry them.
If I have a lot to pick I use my pruning shears. Snip, snip, snip, ... and I'm done in no time will no ill effects to the plants.
Thanks everyone, you're a brilliant source of info as always!

Just one last question on the subject, when stored in the fridge are they better off stored loose, in tupperware, wrapped in kitchen roll or in a ventilated plastic bag?

Sorry to be so specific :)
tori said:
Thanks everyone, you're a brilliant source of info as always!

Just one last question on the subject, when stored in the fridge are they better off stored loose, in tupperware, wrapped in kitchen roll or in a ventilated plastic bag?

Sorry to be so specific :)
Before i got the fancy Tupperware container i used to just wash them and leave them in a bowl with a paper towel in it to soak up leftover moisture.