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harvesting AJs Harvest #5 07-11-08


Here is a picture of my pickin' this morning...sorry for the fuzzy pic...I have now harvested 100 orange habs off the one plant I cut back December 5th and grew thru the winter...there are still close to another 100 on the plant now...


It is really getting hot here in North Texas and there may be a problem with fruit set coming up within the next month or so...night time temperatures are going to be above 80F (~27C) and from what I have read, fruit set and blossom drop may occur with these night time temps...and on top of the heat, I have had no rainfall in the past 2 weeks...my rain barrels are empty...

I have only about 20% of my plants producing now and about another 50% that are setting fruit...I am really looking forward to picking peppers hopefully until November...I should have all the pepper powder I want/need to create my home made chili powder for my AlabamaJacks Red.
Looks tasty AJ. My plants are doing the same with no new flowers from the heat. I have moved some under a nurse shade tree and are loving life. I bet your dehydrator have been running all the time just like mine. Nice harvesting till late fall...
Pepp3rFreak said:
Very nice!! And this is just from one morning picking of 20% of your producing plants! Great Job!

Thanks....don't get me wrong...not 20% of my producing plants...20% of my plants are producing...

rainbowberry said:
looks great AJ, let us know how the Scotch Bonnets taste.

I certainly will RB...I have eaten several already and they taste dang good with decent heat...next time I eat one I will write a description while I am eating it...K?

Ya, for sure. And do you have any good pics of the SB plant?
Nice harvest BTW

Thanks P.....here are four pics...the Scotch Bonnet is kinda scragly but it is a fair producer...

Scotch Bonnet


Jamaican Hot Yellow


Jamaican Hot Yellow Pods...these pods are some of the biggest bonnets I have ever seen...2" diameter...the JHYs are becoming one of my favorite plants...



QuadShotz said:

Awesome looking harvest AJ.


Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Looks tasty AJ. My plants are doing the same with no new flowers from the heat. I have moved some under a nurse shade tree and are loving life. I bet your dehydrator have been running all the time just like mine. Nice harvesting till late fall...

They ARE dang tasty PRF...I think your plants are really producing a lot better than mine are from looking at your photos, but I am pleased for my first year from seed...and you are correct, dehydrator running again right now...told the wife I need another one to keep up...

Nice AJ -- Im still a couple of weeks away from picking -- you are keeping hope alive

thanks LD...its just a matter of time until you start harvesting I am sure..

millworkman said:
Looking great as always AJ. Got some pics for you as well.

Thanks mwm...would love to see some pics...

back in a while....I gotta go get some Fox Urine...I got rats eating the kaka out of my tomatos...I stopped the birds with bird netting now I got rats eating them....
AlabamaJack said:
Here is a picture of my pickin' this morning...sorry for the fuzzy pic...I have now harvested 100 orange habs off the one plant I cut back December 5th and grew thru the winter...there are still close to another 100 on the plant now...


It is really getting hot here in North Texas and there may be a problem with fruit set coming up within the next month or so...night time temperatures are going to be above 80F (~27C) and from what I have read, fruit set and blossom drop may occur with these night time temps...and on top of the heat, I have had no rainfall in the past 2 weeks...my rain barrels are empty...

I have only about 20% of my plants producing now and about another 50% that are setting fruit...I am really looking forward to picking peppers hopefully until November...I should have all the pepper powder I want/need to create my home made chili powder for my AlabamaJacks Red.

That is is lot of peppers from one time picking you will have lot of peppers this year from pictures you post it before great year for you my friend.I hope my start growing too I will have harvest late in September here in Ohio.
Nice Bonnets! I love when they have a real bonnet shape. The top SB pic, is that one a C. annuum or C. chinense?
I didn't realise you could get annuum Scotch Bonnets, but I too love the shape of the last pic of them AJ (the Jamaican one). I've just realised I'm growing it too as well as Jamaican hot red :doh: I just thought of them as being part of the Scotch Bonnet family.
a.j great start to your harvesting season and looks like you'll have plenty till winter lol..please send some sun to u.k and ill return the wet weather,yatsafusa look great mine are really tiny at the moment..what you pickling in brine or vinegar..or will you make powder or a mix of both ?:)
Nice harvest AJ, but I didn't see any nagas in there...? Are they still producing? I was going to ask you to send me a few. (I'll pay shipping).
the first round of Nagas have been harvested but the plants are absolutely full of blossoms and putting on new fruit...will be about 30-40 days before next naga harvest if the first is any indication from fruit set to ripe...I am hoping to get three rounds of fruit from these plants..

here is a pic of one of the nagas flowering...kinda hard to see but there are a ton of flowers on this plant
