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harvesting AJs 23rd Harvest 11-14-08


Just finished picking for my 23rd time this year...had a pretty good superhot harvest and will finish picking tomorrow morning before the first predicted freeze of the year...wind is blowing sustained 25mph out of the north-northwest now and is supposed to pick up to 30-35 mph during the night...

I am happy...


List...top to bottom on list is left to right from the top of the picture...


The cold front blew through about noon today and the temperature 72 now....low tonight of 40 and predicted low for tomorrow night/sunday morning of 32....this is probably my last good harvest of the year...
Crap AJ those pics are amazing as always. You probably have enough capsaicin at your house to kill a small army. I can't wait for those pods, i'm going to turn at least 1 or 2 of the superhots into poppers ;)
I can see it Soon A.J`S Superhots at a Store Near You Fresh,Canned,
Powders and rubs,cant wait to try those Nutrients now ;)
I thought less is more when it comes to nutrients for your peppers. Your plants really produced more pods per plant and I will invest in a better feeding schedule next year. I know you hear it all the time but you are an inspiration to all pepper growers worldwide. They picked a great new Mod.
Thanks all, mother nature was kind to me most of the year...I don't know whether it is the nutrients or the long fall we have had here, but I don't plan on changing a thing next year when it comes to nutrients...

Tomorrow morning, I am going to finish this harvest....still have about 10-15 varieties to pick..maybe another 8 or 9 pounds...just hope the wind doesn't blow me away while I am picking...I haven't ever picked in 40 degree weather before...
AJ, what on earth do you do with all these peppers? You should seriously go commercial. No person could consume that even if they ate 50 peppers every day 365 daya a year. AJ's pepper market has a nice ring to it. :)

Awesome harvest again, AJ! Beautiful peppers!

I have a very serious question for you. I know you tracked everything. After all, you ARE an Engineer. hehe

I know I speak for everyone here when I say that a listing of how many peppers, their total weight, number of harvests, and number of plants would be an awesome reference for all of us.

Hell man, you could write a pepper book! I know I'd buy it!

A repeat of your nutrient schedule and type would also be cool. If you put all that in one post, it'll get more hits than any other post on the site!

You could title it "How to grow peppers like AJ".

Purty, purty, purty pleeeeeeeeease?

hehe, no pressure...
just WOW :D
I agree with cmpman, I bet you could find some people here (THP) that'd buy your chiles.
if this year was a learning stage just imagine what next year will bring :):cool:
Beautiful harvest AJ!.Why are you giving up now?Suruly you can keep em going a while...At least a couple sacrificial plants.You just need to block that wind,leave the southern exposure open,protect them at nite.I'm thinking maybe cut off the smaller branches that have aready borne fruit,not an extreme wackage!This is what I've done to my plants that have already produced a nice crop and they are flush with new growth,and more bud than the spring/summer crop.I'm probably on just about the same latitude as you.Block that wind!You can probably get a grant!We are all pulling for your xmas chilis!
AlabamaJack said:
Thanks all, mother nature was kind to me most of the year...I don't know whether it is the nutrients or the long fall we have had here, but I don't plan on changing a thing next year when it comes to nutrients...


Another great one but we've come top expect that of you!!!

A caution, though. If you plant in the ground in not in containers, you may need to cut back on your nutrients a bit - it depends on what you base it on. If you add some every X number of waterings, it can probably stay the same. If it is every X number of days or weeks, you likely will not need as much. I found that containers need a lot more watering and nutes than when in the ground.

23rd Harvest Part Two 11-15-08

thanks for the heads up for nutrients/watering in the ground Mike...and thanks all for the nice comments...

Just finished picking for the 23rd time...

got more than I expected and there are still a lot of pods on the plants, I have 25 plants in my greenhouse and we are supposed to get a freeze tonight...it is supposed to get back into the mid 60s tomorrow and back in the 70s this coming week...I may get one more harvest...



I'm looking outside, it's gray and dreary. The sun was out but it's hiding,the trees are bare. Temp is supposed to get to 45 but sits at 34 right now. How to get through this cold,gloomy day? Just come to the pics of AJ's peppers or anybody's peppers. So a word of thanks for cheering up my day..someday it will be summer again and peppers to grow.