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smoking 8 hours to go!

You don't need to wrap it. Wrapping is for impatient people waiting for the stall to end. At least give it a chance and see how long the stall is imo. :)
You have a nice mahogany color going. 
Well I give myself a C+ it was juicy but didn't get the flavor I was looking for think next one I'll brine overnight as well as inject.

Looks great! The flavor should be in the pork itself, never needed injecting myself. Try it though. Brining is more for water weight so it doesn't dry out and the steaming inside can moisten. Honestly, never needed that either. I let the meat speak. Stuff like Berkshire pork is always going to taste better, and I'd never inject it. 

A nice thin vinegar sauce can tang and spice it up, and does not cover up like tomato BBQ sauce.
Put some on a bun with hot sauce, slaw, and pickles. ;)
What did you not like about the flavor not passing through?
There are some tricks and secrets many pit masters use to make sure that rub flavor is in the end.
I am like the boss, aka 'pookie' - pork should speak for itself and as every good cook should do I have injected once. I will not inject for my pulled pork now but I can tell you for my spin on flavors for carniatas, injection will occur! I use Mojo for the injection and it comes through nicely. 
For pork I used apple juice/vinegar with my rub mixed in and honestly I'd rather just use that after the fact in a Eastern Carolina sauce. 
Oh and the pork and bark looks great!
Yeah the flavor's in the pork for sure just look at the way Cubans and Puerto Ricans etc. do pernil.
I'd go back to 225 instead of 280 and let that slow cook thang do its work, the fats are distributing longer and flavoring longer... maybe that's it.
Yeah I didn't catch it at first but that's probably why. I like that chart because it agrees ribs can be cooked higher. Even higher than that and come out great. But that is a good chart, and like you said, not set in stone. But yeah 225, there's a reason people smoke at that temp. I'd put money on that being the culprit here. Butts really need that.
I like my brisket taken to 203F, or at least 200F, personally. What it does to the fascia is worth the slight loss of juices to me, but I do go out of my way to capture the drippings in a pan while it's resting (open) on an rack in the oven to put it back ...
I knew you'd be in here with the hot brisket comment. Ha!
With pork though I feel it needs to be at 225 for the magic and flavor. Ribs can even be up to 275. Brisket, I'll let others be the judge, I don't have the experience there. I was never really a brisket guy. Well, burnt ends rock. Give me those lol.
The Hot Pepper said:
Yeah the flavor's in the pork for sure just look at the way Cubans and Puerto Ricans etc. do pernil.
I'd go back to 225 instead of 280 and let that slow cook thang do its work, the fats are distributing longer and flavoring longer... maybe that's it.
Yea I stayed around 225/250 it was cloudy and a bit windy 280 was just to hot
Also you never mentioned what woods you used.
Yeah, looked good to me ... I was having trouble imagining how there's any pork that wouldn't be good looking cooked well - and couldn't ...
I bet you like it just fine today, LOL.
Too funny.